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This type of dicussion is just something far too complex to try to put into numbers, or any kind of flat out statement like one is better then the other.. Thats just incorrect.
They are both good weapon styles with their pro's and cons. I'll just highlight of a few of the pros and cons most commonly misunderstood or not known.
- Incredible range, you can hit monsters beyond the range they can hit you back. TWF cannot do this. Nice, but I assume you are reffering to normal size creatures or non bosses?
-Concentration checks. Monsters do not use normal ones, but instead of can be interupted while spell casting by dealing a massive amount of damage. Generally at the end game this means hitting for 60+. THF can perma interupt a spell caster doing this damage, TWF cannot reach a high enough damage per hit. As it uses damage per hit, and not damage per second. Interesting, casters usually die so quickly that I never even noticed you could interupt them...
- Mass agro management. The very wide arc of the glancing blow makes the Two handed melee a far superior combatant for gathering and hold agro on allot of monsters. Heh, this ones is silly. Leave the aggro/cc management to the caster or someone with the SKILL intimidate. They do it much better and in the case of the latter almost certainly have a much higher AC resulting in 1/10 the dmg taken.
- High damager per swings helps when facing monsters with a DR type you cannot bypass, as the great damage you deal will generally get thru it anyways. Example: Gargoyles in stoneform gain 100 DR/-, My THF barb can stunning blow and kill these very quickly. My TWF cannot kill them until they leave stoneform (less there very low lvl versions, TWF crits are around 120-150 with axes) Are you talking about the gargoylys in the level 10 quest in Threnal????
- Poor swing rate if you use auto attack.
- Requires concentration to use stepping attack to increase DPS by up to 50%.
- Few swings per minuits means less chances for special weapon effects such as vorpals.
- With the feats, a single attack is actually 2 attacks. As such abilites which make an attack, such as stunning blow, sunder and trip, get a double chance to land if time to occur on a double swing. Indeed, any stat damanger is much better TWF
- Faster swing rate means more 20s are rolled and thus more vorpals or other special effects relying on criticals.
- Autoattack works fine and doesn't result in much lost dps vs stepping attacks.
-Higher DPS almost 100% of the time. And I say almost because there may be a very specific example of a THF surrounded by 50 mobs and if you add in the splash damage it may add up to more. Really, just do a search - multiple people have done the math. Cons:
- Poor swing range means allot of missed attacks while moving are moving around, resulting in heavy loss of DPS. A heavy loss really?
- Dex requirements can cut into strenght or other stats, lowering DPS again, depending on build. The DPS loss is neglegable, you do realize you are talking about MAYBE ONE STR mod??? Not to mention the side benefits of higher AC, better reflex...
- Requires twice as many weapons as two handed fighting, making it a more difficult and more expensive character to play. Agreed its more expensive. However any player that plays more then once a week would not have a problem outfitting.
- Has difficulty interrupting spell casters due to the movement and low strength bonus, low power attack bonus, etc resulting in not enough damge to interupt them. Low STR bonus? Low Power attck bonus? What are you talking about? TWFs kill them faster. Period.
- Lower damage per swing vs targets with DR/- means your DPS is more heavily crippled them a two handed melee. Sigh... The 10lvl gargoyels again??
The "much more dps" nonses is a subject I don't agree with as It has never been shown to me ingame ever. I play both a Two handed and two wepaon barbarians, with nearly identical stats and feats and do not find the TWF version vastly higher dps, infact I often find him lower depending on the monster being faced.