Good afternoon All,
My name is RIPNTERROR and I play on the Khyber server. Im sure a few of you have seen me on regularly beating the pulp out of all fleshies except for the Giant punk Jorgudal who insists on tripping me with his comet falls, and somehow magically resurrects himself after been punished with Holy Weapons and Wounding weapons and dies. But i digress.
I am trying to figure out why it is that each time I rest at the shrine I only heal for 40 or so HP.s My little fleshie buddies dont understand why I am still wounded after a rest. I do have 350HP
I am a 13/1 Fighter/wizard Warforged. I have 13 points in repair, and a +5 repair items that I wear when resting. I also have 233 favor in the Silver Flame, and 155 Favor in House J as I was told that favor in those houses will help with this. I also have 1 level of Healers Friend, and taken a few action points to improve my damage reduction to a DR/4 adamantine from DR 2. What am I missing?