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EDIT: EVERYONE CHECK YOUR ATTITUDE AT THE DOOR AND PREPARE FOR A CIVILIZED DISCUSSION. All post not falling under this stipulation will be asked to be removed.
To Tarrant, the Paiz's and the rest of Turbine brass that deal with DDO:
Over the past two and a half weeks, the Escapist provided a contest "March Mayhem", for people to share their opinions and support for 64 developers that the staff of the Escapist felt worth of mention for Developer of the Year. While the Escapist community was less than welcoming, Turbine support garnered a total 17,248 votes through all six rounds of competition to help claim the title. Turbine has been named the Developer of the Year by the Escapist because of this competition. Your player base ethusiastically and dilligently stood up as one speaking volumes of your work within all three games, especially Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Now, it is Turbine's turn to show the player base the same respect and enthusiasm in return for such dedication. I am not referring to Mod 9's release, or in game freebies; but I am referrring to more communication. More communication in regards to direction of the game, what we can expect for the game, and no more vast and mysterious.
For three years we have been promised a State of the Game, for three years this promise has gone unfulfilled. Now we have been told of vast and mysterious things to come to DDO, never actually being given the vast and mysterious information in regards to DDO.
We know the developers work hard and love the game just as much as the players, and that the community specialist share in our joys and frustrations; however, after three years for founders it is not the developers and community specialist that we need to hear from. Who is it that actually needs to get back in touch with the playerbase of DDO? The executive producers of DDO. I find it interesting that Fernando gave us the release notes to Lamania and stated re-introducing himself to us; however, I have never heard of him before in the executive producer role. I looked at the credits for Lamania, and his name is not listed at all.
So Mr. and Mrs. Paiz, without further ado, here is what your playerbase is wanting to know, since it is you that controls what the developers work on.
1, What is our direction? What do you foresee in DDO by the end of the Summer? What do you foresee at year's end for DDO?
2, Previously mentioned projects, such as; guild housing, guild banks, ect... what happened? Are they off the radar completely? What is the main issue in implentation?
3, Other than Druids, what other classes can we look forward to seeing in DDO?
4, Other than Half-Orcs and Half-Elves, what other races can we look forward to seeing in DDO?
5, What are your plans beyond level 20? Legacy program?
6, Any more respec features on the horizon for DDO? Skill, alignment, class, attributes, physical?
7, Paid expansion in the future, perhaps for another entire city?
I am sure there are more questions, but then again, I highly doubt this gets passed along to anyone that will actually get us real answers. For a stupid contest that went on at a third-party site to receive 17,248 votes to me states volumes, and actually merits some kind of official communications from the executive producers of the game that so many enthusiastically supported.
edit: Follow up question, what is going to be done about marketing and promotions for DDO in regards to Atari agreement?
I ask this because when you watch the full credit you will see a Marketing team FROM Turbine, what exactly are the marketing?