Quote Originally Posted by Justicesar View Post
I don't think there is any finger pointing going on. This thread has been rather civil compared to other loot threads. That being said what comes around goes around. A few years back I was apart of a guild that had a point system that excluded pugs and also was in favor of officers. I was never an officer... so never got the bonus to loot rolls....but in time all my toons were decked out. The guilds were many and full so during that period I put up with questionable tactics....rude behavior to fellows...and extreme greed between officers and regular memebers. In the end the guild crumbled....but I got what I wanted knowledge wise. Problem after that was finding a guild that was fun to run with that did not harbor bad feeling for said ex-guild members. I thought the leadership and a few members were mean spirited.....but man did I find out how hated we really were....it took months to even get a chance. A year later and a few guilds down the road I'm happy to be with a guild that values respect among all peers at all times above a piece of virtual loot.....go Southern Tenant Farmers Union. So in the end....game on and do what you want with your loot....just be Honest up front and let the chips fall where they may.
Isn't being honest and up front about raid loot practices the EXACT point of the original post??