If you ahve not run with DDO Korea, you should ... they have fresh ideas on how to run quests and raids.
1. When you are running with DDO Korea, there is a high probablity that the run will be sucessful. They frequently open up slots to runs to help other people out (ie flagging, favor, ect.) more than any other guild that I have run with in the last three years. Oddjob has proven that the guild can be successful, hes solo'd high end content, learns the ins and outs and makes that knowledge available to anyone who wants to run with them and learn it. Theya re known for short-manning alnmost EVERY quest and raid in the game ... they are being community members by posting the run so others can join.
Oddjob solo's reaver and use to put an LFM up so you could get free loot. He would even extend the LFM up to the very end of the quest. This was when you could die and still get the chests. Jump in the quest ... die ... wait for him to finish ... collect three chests.
2. Their debt system works out real well for them. Their members take care of each other, because they primarily run with each other (language is part of the reason). The system they employ does not involve loot that they themsleves do not draw. To clarify ... there is no rolling on loot with guildmembers. If a member of the guild pulls an item, they pay their debt to their guildmember FIRST ... if its not wanted, they open up to the PUG to roll on. There is NO underhanded 'taking care of guildmembers first'. What the system does it this ... I pull something you need ... I pass it to you ... you owe me a piece of gear at some point ... I repay the debt.
3. They have run through all of the content ... and almost all of their guildmembers are at max favor. The guild leader posted this to encourage his guild members to join OTHER guilds to expand his guilds knowledge, make more friends and expand the life of their gaming experience (and practice their english ... typed and spoken). They are not trying to spread their guild philosophy on loot, they don't want to be bored and complain about lack of content.