We have two machines and two accounts that we play DDO on.
Windows XP and Windows Vista.
The Windows Vista is my son's machine and I run the Windows XP.
The Windows XP worked flawlessly. I am unstalled and able to play.
Windows Vista did not work flawlessly.
How do I get another copy of the game without going through downloading process of a free account. Or is that my only option?
The Vista machine is on the launch screen with the Red Dragon Breathing Fire on the words Atari, Hasbro, Wizards, and Turbine. And that is it.
I went into program files/..../
I clicked on TurbineLauncher and the same thing so that is not helping.
I clicked on DNDClient that gives me warnings about invalid parameters.
I clicked on DNDLauncher same result as using TurbineLauncher
Clicked on TurbineElevator for giggles. No idea what that is doing