if I could have a moment of your time
The Cloudkill spell has gained additional effects: "A bank of heavy yellowish green and poisonous fog rises up, slaying weak targets within the cloud while inflicting 1d4 Constitution damage on stronger targets, and 2d6 damage +1 per caster level (max 20) of acid damage. Successful Fortitude saves reduces the Constitution and Acid damage by half. This fog obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss chance). Creatures immune to poison are undamaged by this spell."
My question/comment/suggestion concern the text in RED.
I have reservations about this due to the non stacking of Acid Damage effects. Why not have this do Poison Damage. Poison can do Hit Point Damage after all and it would make more sense with the rest of the description.
It just seems to me that it would work more logically.
I would also ask that the Greensteel Clickies that produce the True Rez Effect only be bumped dow nto a Rez effect instead of a Raise effect. It seems for the amount of work it takes for such epic gear that that would be more appropriate and not leave such a bad taste in peoples mouths.
I would also like to ask that Mobs NOT regenerate Stat or Negative Level Damage. Or at least the "trash mobs" shouldn't. It would be thematically appropriate if Orange Named and up did but trash mobs should not Regenerate Stat and Negative Level damage. It could make builds based on certain tactics devoid of a place in groups.
Transmuting should also affect Damage type (ie: Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing). I ask this primarily for selfish reasons. I play characters primarily with "Signature Weapons" and would perfer to keep it that way. Making it so that my Transmuting Longsword can't bypass dr/bludgeoning would make the character feel less "charactery"... like I said selfish reasons...
Mobs reduced to 0 in a stat should be effectively paralyzed... no moving, no swinging, no nothing. Its kinda silly that a guy who has effectively no muscles can run just as fast as he does with 30 strength... nevermind the ability to flail around and do 20-50 damage.
um... I kept going it seems... I meant to only ask about that first one.
oh well