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    Executive Producer Fernando's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Lamannia Release Notes!

    Hello! My name is Fernando Paiz, Executive Producer for DDO. I am pleased to be able to present to you the preview release notes for Module 9! Although you will continue to see a lot of Kate, I thought this was a fitting occasion to write a letter to players and re-introduce myself to the DDO community.

    So first a quick introduction:

    If you are a long-time fan of Turbine’s games, chances are you may have seen my name around before today. I’ve been with Turbine for four and a half years; the first three and change I spent as Director of Game Technology driving technology development for both DDO and LOTRO. Last year I had the great opportunity to transition to my current role on the DDO team. Not only do I have the pleasure of working closely with my wife, Kate (who you already know), I am also able to spend more time with my favorite Turbine game: DDO!

    Now, on to the good stuff! The Lamannia Module 9 release notes have been posted to the Compendium: click here!

    Module 9 raises the level cap to 20, adds a ton of new features, and we’re sure you’ll notice the sheer number of fixes and polish improvements as well! From the addition of a ‘Loot All’ button for chest windows to making ranged monsters not run away from you forever, the team was able to address many top community requests while fixing bugs to make the game better than ever! Mod9 is more than just another release for DDO - it represents a major investment as we prepare the game for future growth.

    The DDO team is proud and excited to preview these changes for the community and ask for your help to make Mod9 as good as it can be by playing the new update, starting this week on our new preview server, Lamannia. We’ll let you know how to get started playing on the Lamannia server in the next few days.

    The preview release on Lamannia marks an important milestone for us on the road to releasing Module 9. We know it’s been a long wait and we thank you for your patience and support. We’ve worked hard to make DDO even better and are gearing up for an aggressive push to grow the game in 2009! This is only the beginning of many great things which are planned for DDO this year!

    From Kate, myself and the whole DDO team, we hope you enjoy reading the release notes and playing on Lamannia. We appreciate your ongoing support and we look forward to hearing your feedback on the latest updates to DDO. See you in game!

    Last edited by Fernando; 04-06-2009 at 07:03 PM.

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