Quote Originally Posted by Lymnus View Post
I'll try to explain my opinion mathematically, just so you can understand where I'm coming from.

We'll assume an average concentration here. 19 ranks+13 item+7 con(24 con; 16 base+6 item+2 tome)+2 luck (Head of Good Fortune)=40 concentration. Obviously, this can be raised, but a 40 will be used here just for the purpose of explanation.

To make a concentration check, the DC is how much damage you took. I.E., if you got hit for 50 damage, the DC of the check is a 50.

So, with a concentration of 40, the highest we can roll is a 59 (40+19, roll of 20 is an auto-success, so we won't assume that). Now, at end game, Orthons obviously hit for you more than 59 damage when they hit you. They'll hit you for 60+ damage, which means you have a 5% chance of rolling that saving throw. However, at the same time, a cleric that invested no ranks into concentration will also have that 5% chance of saving.

Quicken is what is important here. There will be times when a cleric knows he'll be hit, like when the fire room pops up in Rainbow. At these times, a cleric turns on quicken, and never worries about concentration checks. Now, of course, you can't quicken scrolls or wands. But, by the same reasoning, a cleric probably isn't making the save on that hundred point hit.
No one question the importance of Quicken, and you could still survive as a low concentration high level cleric; however, if you want to bring the number into agrument, at least make it right.

Just so you know, the Elite Orhon Defender on shroud causing damage from 35 to 50 on hard, 19 to 42 on normal, and The orthon red name on VoD normal hit you from high 20 to low 40 mostly.

However, if someone blame orthon hitting them for over 60 damage at normal, it's their own fault not have Heavy Fortification in the first place, OBVIOUSLY.