Could someone tell me if there are UMD boosting items other than the golden cartouche? And if there are where do they drop? Thank you.
Could someone tell me if there are UMD boosting items other than the golden cartouche? And if there are where do they drop? Thank you.
7 finger gloves from the titan,(umd 5 i believe) and i believe litany has an item
+5 as well, not sure.
also u can always make a greenstell itm and get +6 umd on it. also there are gloves in abbot that give +3 umd
The Korthos Gloves drop from the Ice Mephit chest near the entrance to the Necro Caves (which, incidentally, are the caves that net you the +1 to attack goggles that stack with everything a low level character could possibly use - at least that I have seen). So it is a nice little run.
Down side - in fifteen hits on that chest, I have seen the UMD item drop once (bound).
The only difference between a weed and a flower is survival skill - Joseph
I believe the ruinic gloves drop from the quest from the mayor. You need to have a rogue in the party to pick the lock on the gate otherwise you cant get to the chest. You have to fight the undead Jacoby Dingleberry dude to get them.
Sarlona: Dymondd Sar Tennith: lvl 15 Human Paladin/Fighter - Rusty Pick Guild
Khyber: SparrHawk Instellius lvl 17 Human Paladin, Storrmyy Instellius lvl 16 Drow Cleric, Teknikal SuhPoort lvl 16 Dwarf Barbarian, Falcynn Instellius lvl 8 Halfling Ranger - Elite Noobs
You are right. I couldnt remember which one it was. But regardless they offer only a +1 UMD so not that special anyways.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu