Hi everyone! Episode 111 of DDOcast is ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.

Short show this week where I discuss a whole bunch of Mod 9 news. Thanks for listening! (3-4-09)


:10 Intro
:35 Loot and XP
2:11 Lammania! and Turbine Download Manager
10:03 LOTRO to XBOX 360
14:05 March Mayhem
15:50 Art of Shavarath: Demon Territory
16:52 /stuck
17:59 Dragonshards
18:53 Compendium Changes
20:25 Rings in Mod 9
21:52 Video Contests - U.S. and Europe
22:57 DDO-Europe Forum Changes
23:10 Maintenance note
24:00 Errata
24:45 Email


Total Time 27:07


LINK to info on Lammania (new preview server) and the Turbine Download Manager.

LINK to the new Mod 9 splash screen.

LINK to the Destructoid article about LOTRO coming to the Xbox 360.

LINK to the final poll for The Escapist March Mayhem: Turbine vs. BioWare.

LINK to the completed battle of Turbine vs. Nintendo.

LINK to the Art of Shavarath: Demon Territory.

LINK to info on the Mod 9 /stuck command.

LINK to Dragonshard combining in Mod 9 using the Stone of Change.

LINK to the DDO.com Compendium changes.

LINK to "My Stormreach Vacation" by Zoetic, the week 4 winner of the DDO.com Third Year Anniversary Video Competition.

LINK to the 3 finalists over at the similar competition taking place on DDO-Europe.


All right, that's it for now! See ya soon with a ton more. Expect stuff from Lammania as well.
