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Do it. Its alot of fun and all of your friends are doing it.![]()
It's a Discipline. I always recommend against it unless the player has an intimate knowledge of current game mechanics and a vision or goal to be reached.
Were this PnP , then things could be different. It's not though, so we have a tremendously less amount of leeway for any errors or miscalculations. In DDO, things have to be nearly dead on, or you will find your character(s) dead on the ground and useless.
Let's see...
Two purebreeds. I'll have a third and fourth when they introduce Half-Orcs.
Everything else? Multiclass, multiclass, multiclass.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
but its mostly a temptation in DDO for mostly the RPG aspect of it. People seem to forget(or not know) that in pnp what ever u multiclassed you had to roleplay it and justify its actions according to your alignment.
In DDO that restriction is gone and since there isnt any rolepplay downfalls the abilities of these said classes increases the temptation to mix and match without having to worry about your clerics god rain down havoc on you for you taking the path of a thief.
edit: also of note is prestige classes are harder to reach if you were to multi class given the prereq for alot of them. Not to mention the splashing of certain classes would hinder your chances further on a roleplay aspect as well.
Last edited by TEK; 04-10-2009 at 09:06 AM.
"Watching and Waiting I'm known to strike at a moments notice..."
Let's play pretend... Let's pretend that you would be my friend, if you were real. I know you won't mind, your used to living in a dream...
I played a single class character once. I believe lvl 12 was the cap then and I deleted him shortly after lvl 14 came out. That was the last time I even considered doing it until the announcements of the PrE's. Now I am contemplating doing it one more time with the same character class (cleric).
As it is I use the multiclassing to bolster the character I have and make them powerful in the long run, or interestingly different. My characters are as such:
Kalanth Warfogred Rogue 13 / Barbarian 3 - Str rogue that can rage and use Madstone plus a rage spell to reach 36 strength. Multiclassing made a big difference on this character.
Sanction Warforged Cleric 13 / Paladin 3 - Went with bladesworn transfermation here and wields greatswords. He does not have the strength of Kalanth, but all of his saves are in the 30's thanks to his Paladin levels and high charisma. Multiclassing made this character what he is as well.
Weather Warforged Wizard 12 / Fighter 4 - Not what most people expect when I break him out as they are looking for a tank and I show up with a bow. Should I have gone ranger instead of fighter? Maybe, but I like WP Focus and WP Specialization and still have all the feats (Rapid Shot, Many Shot, Shot on the Run, Maximize, Empower, Extend). This character is a bit of a DPS monster but the fighter levels hurt when it comes to landing PK's. Multiclassing helped but likely should be rethought here.
Zink Warforged Bard 14 / Fighter 2 - A warchanter and a heck of a sword and board character, Zink is great in a tight spot especially because of the self healing and self buffing. The fighter levels opened up the feats for me to take Exotic WP Kopesh and Power Attack (which I never use, just needed it to become a Warchanter). Multiclassing really helped to make this character.
Daurian Human Paladin 10 / Ranger 6 - A tempest paladin, which is something I have not seen anyone else on Sarlona make so far. Daurian is my favorite character as he can do it all and with Mod 9 he will add evasion to his bag of tricks. Dual wielding longswords thanks to Oversized TWF and carrying a slew of Comp Longbows to dish out Many Shot damage (great when pulling back away from the blades in Shroud part 4) Daurian attacks fast and deals damage quickly. Add in the Exaulted Smite abilities and I have managed critical hits well into the hundreds. This character was started before tempest but not advanced far at the time and well off the original path (Paladin 2 / Ranger 6 / Fighter 8). With the release of tempest I gunned for it and it made this my favorite of all my characters. Mulitclassing really made this character what he is today as well.
Dogwood Halfling Rogue 1 / Ranger 2 / Paladin 1 (Projected with Mod 9 Rogue 4 / Ranger 14 / Paladin 2) - This character is being built to be a replacement to Kalanth in terms of being my main rogue. The speed at which Dogwood will be able to attack will well exceed Kalanth and his slower motions with his many quarterstaffs. Dogwood is a bit more the traditional finesser but with Tempest in there the character should well make up for it in attack speed. The rogue levels help bring up the Sneak Attack DPS and the paladin levels are strichtly to increase saving throws. Multiclassing should really make a difference with this character.
As you can see, I love multiclassing. It makes the character more complete in what I want to do with the character. Adding a bit of this here, a bit of that there and the character achieves a more complete package that I would be missing out dramatically on with a single class character. For example I have always said that I will never play a fighter past level 12 as that is when the recieve the last feat I would want from them. However, if I went 12 Fighter / 1 Bard / 7 Barbarian then it would be a bit more interesting to me because of the damage I could dish and the ability to use a larger list of items and self healing. Multiclassing is the best thing about 3.5 edition D&D and it is the one thing I miss the most in my 4th edition PnP games.
Last edited by Kalanth; 04-10-2009 at 09:37 AM.
We? You mean RP'rs rght?
Remember guys...you are arguing with someone that never makes it past Level 8.....
Having said that, and in his defense, from his perspective it makes little sense to multi-class if the cap is 8 and maybe even 10, but when 12 - 14 and 16 are available theres absolutely no reason to aim higher and use our creativity to make more powerful, more interesting characters to play. (Argh almost felt like I was role-playing!)
Very good point.
In PnP Planning isn't crucial, therefore Purity makes "more sense" and performance secondary.
Nice way of putting it.
Some classes should multi-class and others shouldn't, some people should multi-class and others definitely not.
Level 20 Cap and capstones have made multiclassing a bit more debatable, because Purists have capstones to fall back on as a safety cushion that their way is the right way, and thats fine with me, the last thing I want is a world setting where I'm die-roll dependent to perform well.
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
Dex replied:
Quote:FYI to the RP players out there, I don't consider some of my multiclass to be multiclass... I consider them to be a class that is not spelled out directly in the rules. (i.e. pure and true to their RP purpose)
Originally Posted by branmakmuffin![]()
Multi-classing is the lameness we must put up with since DDO is based on D&D, which is a class-based RPG.
We? You mean RP'rs rght?
For example, before mod 9, you could be the best Archer build you could be by taking 2 levels of fighter. From an RP perspective, this is like a woodlands hunter type archer studying traditional combat archery to become more skilled at what he does. He's not a ranger. Nor is he a fighter. He is a pure class Archer. (Which doesn't exist in the rules, so you have to make it b mixing a bit of the things that are available to you.)
This is actually a lot more of an RP way of thinking than anything else... I mean, what person defines themself as a "Fighter", and therefore would consider it somehow wrong to study something that would make them a better combatant just because it didn't exist in the "Fighter Class Rulebook"
Sarlona - Nyr Dyv RaidersBloodbath, Smasher · Sonnkral, Finisher · Sentient, Caster
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
http://darkside.guildportal.com http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=174849
I tend to make pure builds, because I was always taught in AD&D that if you did not focus on one class, you would miss-out on super-cool end-game powers and abilities. I am sticking by that for the most part.
That being said, my multi-class builds are based on the AD&D multi-classing of advancing in even amount of levels. My Dwarven 5 Cleric/ 5 Fighter has been pretty cool to play. A true Battle-Cleric as it were.
That also being said I would have preferred to have seen more race restrictons and class restrictions based on AD&D.
Last edited by Mr_Ed7; 04-11-2009 at 12:48 AM.
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
http://darkside.guildportal.com http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=174849
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
http://darkside.guildportal.com http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=174849