If you want any of these b_astard swords you may check the House D Horse Stealers. because I just sold them all to them.
I have freed up some inventory, hallelujah.
14th level retail 128,000 horse theives will charge around 140,000 GP
+3 Seeker(+6) of Everbright 60,000 GP
12th Level retail 98,000 horse thieves will charge around 108,000
+5 Ghost Touch of Tendon Slice 2% 55,000
+1 Paralyzing of Backstabbing(+1 attack,+2 damage) 50,000 GP
+1 True Law of Disruption 50,000 GP Align: Lawful UMD: 20
10th level retail 72,000 horse thieves will charge around 80,000
+5 Frost 40,000 GP
+4 Seeker(+2) of Pure Good 40,000 GP
+3 Transmuting of Backstabbing 50,000 GP
+3 Shock of Everbright 40,000 GP
+2 Transmuting of Enfeebling 45,000 GP
+1 Transmuting of Greater Halfling Bane 40,000 GP
8th Level retail 50,000 horse thieves will charge around 55,000
+3 Ghost Touch of Pure Good (Align: Good UMD: 20) 25,000 GP
+3 Crippling of Pure Good (ALign: Good UMD: 20) 20,000 GP
+2 Transmuting of Maiming 30,000 GP
+2 Transmuting Silver of Lesser Orc Bane 30,000 GP
6th retail 32,000 horse thieves will charge around 36,000
+2 Thundering of Maiming 15,000 GP
+1 Icy BUrst of Maiming 18,000 GP
4th retail 18,000 horse thieves will charge around 20,000
+3 Adamantine 10,000 GP
+1 Flaming of Shattermantle 8000 GP
+1 Thundering of Pure Good (Align: Good UMD 20) 10,000 GP
+1 Crippling of Pure Good (Align: Good UMD 20) 10,000 GP
+1 Acid of Righteousness 10,000 GP
+1 Ghost Touch Byeshk of Backstabbing 10,000 GP