I want to build a 6 ranger/2 rogue/12 wizard. The idea is to use tensers transformation as well as other tools like teleport, dd, stoneskin, fire shield, greater hero, true seeing, prot from elements, plus mind fog, cloud kill, wall of fire and some other fun stuff lower down the spell ranks. This build includes evasion and umd as well as tempest and twf kopesh. (I'm have also pondered monk instead of rogue but not sure if it will work.) At least that's my wish =) My chosen race is drow but now this concept character needs some help to get started. First I would love it if someone could help me figure out the feats skills and such. I am thinking 15 15 12 14 8 10 correct me if i'm off on the points a hair the game is down for a short time. Another thing what are the major pros and cons my highest level toon right now is a 12 wizard and i'm seeking higher insight to game play late game. My goals are fun, good soloablity, good group support through dps and some rogue skills in a pinch.