+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
EVE Online
It's the game people play who like control, communication and facilitating warfare. The learning curve is vertical so if you're akin to simplistic games you're going to need a tutor to learn how to play.
Honestly, I think you're just looking for attention and have no intent to try other games...
"Nuke 'm or Die!"
Beware the Sleepeater
This is very much like DDO and you will not feel like a fool since you won't pay for the graphics:
"Humanity has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature." Tom Robbins
I actually like eq2.. but after playing ddo i need action.. mmo's don't support action anymore, they don't have hitboxes... eq2 is a very good game tho, as most content is pop in pop out and play as little or as much as you like.. but.. you level so freaking fast now it's not fun forme.. if you do try it let me know, i can direct you to some awesome people..
I keep leaving ddo myself, but i always return, there is no better mmo out there..
You might wanna try some single player games.. PC version of mass effect is a shooter and fun.. The Witcher.. Fallout 3.. i'm currently finding love for CiV4 in ddo's trouble lately. My theory is stick with a mmo you love (ddo for me) and find some single player games to play in the downtime (CiV4 and NHL2k9 Go Penguins!)
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
DDO is by far the best in my opinion, but I have been playing AOC alot lately(mainly to kill time until new mod comes out) It seems they have fixed most problems, I have only experienced one time where I lagged out.
AOC takes 8-12 hours to fully download thou but it is a click fest and the finishing moves are cool... also running around with a naked chick is always fun.
Englorious Basteurds - There the only ones who can put up with me.
DDO still has the best gameplay, just not much to accomplish these days. I play Warhammer to pass the shrinking amount of free time I have. When I do log onto DDO, I don't stay nearly as long as I used to... maybe just run a quick raid and then log. Just not as interested in running the same old for the 1000th time.