Should you happen to be the leader of a Reaver Raid and a +3 tome drops, and should it drop in my name...DO NOT THINK FOR ONE SECOND THAT YOU CAN HAVE THE TOME BECAUSE YOU ARE THE LEADER OF THE PARTY.
True story...will send info if asked, otherwise, for the sake of drama, let's not post here about what's right and wrong

, I suggest you post it somewhere else, like Khyber, where they have fake drama, this is the real thing folks, the stuff dreams are made of...
Be forewarned Cube, special guest appearances will be deemed as a an act of War towards The Lord of Drama!!! You do not want anything I have to offer, it could be contagious...
On a side note the commitee to reinstate Blah as Mad God has made progress in the courts, supposedly he has a good lawyer that finally won some Plat...amazing. Maybe Argo isn't that bad of a place for a PWNY to make a living, who would have thought it.