House D is far the worst so far. And there isn't even a huge amount of players online yet. Sigh.
Latency is fine, 30-35ish, but its still stop and go lag for most of my guildies too. Anyone else still seeing it?
House D is far the worst so far. And there isn't even a huge amount of players online yet. Sigh.
Latency is fine, 30-35ish, but its still stop and go lag for most of my guildies too. Anyone else still seeing it?
Last edited by Reverand; 03-31-2009 at 01:20 PM.
I believe they are looking into it, so far Thelanis is the only server.
awesome, glad to hear just us, hope they can finally slay this elusive Lag!
Thanks for the update
yep stop and go ....worst in House D....cant get bank account to open, and guildmate had long delay in quest window opening...also tells werent going through for a few minutes....welcome back![]()
Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).@>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@
Seems to me that House D has been buggy like that in the past. If I remember one of the mods you totally avoided House D until they got it fixed. It's just a lag repository. As the forces of Lagaleth (The Realm of Lagginess) regroup after being slain in the DC move, they choose House D and the vortex by which to spring forth in the future. Heheheheh![]()
Mortanius lvl 16 Halfling Bard Mortx lvl 16 Hafling Cleric Lypsync Human Warchanter Drmort Dwarf Cleric Lvl 4 Mortalicious Elf Ranger Lvl 8
Thelanis Server-The Exploration Society
Wonder if they deleted all the old host files... if Thelanis is a server cluster then it would be a problem in a move....either that or an intern dropped the server that controls house D!![]()
woaw, worst lag I have ever seen in house D, my char cannot do anything in there, not even teleport out. Great playability...
Well the complete freezes aren't as hard and don't last as long, but my latency increased 15 ms with the move![]()
Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)
mine went up a few as well, which is to be expected since they moved locations, could have been further away from you, as it was me apparently.
I suspect they'll need a couple of days to re-tweak the system for optimal perf as is usually the case with these moves, in a couple days we should know how good this move was. If its already minimally better in those couple really bad areas, i suspect it'll improve as we go then.
thats my opinion as it were,
(Throwing this into the pot in case it may be helpful.)
My first trip into game, I was in the One-Eared trying to trade in some shrooms. Hung forever in the load screen recalling from the wilderness - then laglocked every time I'd try to converse with.... mmm, whazzisface.
Got back out the door, then back in, and had no problems.
Last night we were in a Shroud run where the lag was incredibly brutal. Worse than it's ever been.... Why is this not fixed now????
Founder of Mickory ~ Former Officer of ATDThayill * Glorious * Glorie * Gloried * Glorisai * Gloreia * Hallows * SargavandIf you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me
Feel bad for you guys on thelanis if it was that bad, last night on ghallanda, did a shroud and 4 hounds, and wasn't even a hint of any lag.
Misscarlet~Klya~Chelsey~Mvffin~Sporren~Heathers~Mi nimvffin~Lillmiss~Crumpet~EvannyGUILD LEADER: Southern Tenant Farmers Union SERVER: Ghallanda, RIP Fernia
Yep lag got terrible after I posted in this thread - it was like playing during the tent anniversary in some quests. Horrific lag in Vision/Reaver/Gianthold etc.
Lag where we've never had lag before - oh well at least we know its not the datacenter that was completely the problem.
Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)
I did 4 stormcleave runs back to back with no lag. Then did a shroud around midnight, and had a couple of spots of bad lag in Part 1, and a couple of spots in Part 5. I'd say my general experience was an 80% improvement in lag. When it hit, it was bad, but didn't last as long, and didn't occur nearly as often as I'd grown -ick- accustomed to.
This is not the sig you are looking for.
is Thelanis the most populated server? If we are (i dont know if we are or not so dont flame me. Thanks.) then that would be why we are having the worst lag. Especially from the posts it looks like most of these lag complaints happened during peak use times (i.e. after 7pm EST then more after 9pm EST (thats after 6pm PST) when people get off work)
Does anyone know?
Shandi TRing - Jackdal 20th Figther - Kaven 18th Fighter / 1st Monk
Proud Member of D.W.A.T. since 2006 of Xoriat, now Thelanis
...and when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks back at you...
The lag is still there on Khyber. No change. Had a truely bad shroud run with laggy steps, spells that wouldn't land, and had to heal based on time intervals instead of red bars which has been the standard the last 2-3 months.
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.