They've mentioned the "why not" a number of times. It's because handwraps are coded differently than other weapons are. However, I think we should technically be saying that "unarmed attacks" are coded differently than weapons are, since the Spectral Gloves and Ethereal Bracers also do not work with unarmed attacks.
Basically, none of the current effects applied to Greensteel weapons will do anything if they are applied to handwraps, since the coding is not correct for those effects. If they were to make Greensteel handwraps, many things would have to be coded from the ground up.
I'm not satisfied with the way things have been done, but they HAVE answered the question a number of times. Continuing to ask will not accomplish anything. They know we want them. Obviously they have other priorities that are taking precedence over the desires of a comparatively small population of players.
Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild
Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric
Poor design. And as to a small population, I would disagree. Other minorities, like whiners, seem to get things changed.
True, I did not take into account the whole unarmed bit and it makes sense since my spectral gloves don't work with wraps, so I would like all that to be fixed before I could make wraps that would do nothing for me. So then why do effects on the wraps themselves work? Why would you keep unarmed cpmletely removed from the normal attack system when you add Monks? This had to have been a discussion at some point.
Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild
Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric
for now i have went the way of greensteel kamas for my red name dps. i hated to do it but it seems the only way to tank with the big boys. i have so much fun playing mojo but his dps is lacking as a sopport tank he is great and stun thing and beat the **** out of them but the time he get thing beat down he he not by himself the other party member have the kill:to told aggro will be using dust2 with a +3 wis bonus to take my wis to 8 and my lighting 2 has a +4 insight bonus even if they make greenweave handwraps it will be hard to compete with a grensteel kama user due to that fact you can weild 2 kama with special effects and only one handwrap.
to fix this
1. let us duel weild handwraps
2.make greenweave handwraps
3. give us a improved crit line for all monk weopons/handwraps,kamas,q staff
this would put us in par with other tanks/classes