Hi everyone! Episode 110 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. Thanks so much for listening!
This week's show features Ask the Devs#8, news, a look at the Backstabber Gloves in "From the Treasure Trove" and a track from The Lie Detectors! Just a reminder that if you'd like to send in a question for a future Ask the Devs, please email them to ddocast((at))gmail(dott)com.
DDOcast Episode 110 (3-28-09)
:10 Intro
1:03 Ask the Devs #8
27:40 Data Center Move
33:47 Tolero Sig: Release Notes in the works!
34:27 Item Comparisons
36:55 PvP Changes in Mod 9
41:48 The Escapist March Mayhem
44:29 Tower of Despair Concept Art Article
46:49 Video Competition
48:15 The Dice Master
49:57 DDO-Europe Screenshot Competition
51:03 New Lessah Video!
51:50 Alex Haddox Black Belt Video
52:30 DDO Europe Avatars
52:42 From the Treasure Trove - Backstabber Gloves
55:38 Khyber: Mod 9 Pool
56:46 Thelanis: Ladies Night Raid
58:01 Shout Outs
1:00:34 DDO Welten Crossword
1:01:15 Email, basically
1:05:39 The Lie Detectors: Better Circumstances
Total Time: 1:09:02
Here's a LINK to SIG's explanation about the data center move on DDO.com and here's a LINK to the official downtime announcement.
Here's a LINK to Turbine's official DDO Facebook page.
Here's a LINK to item comparisons on DDO.com
Here's a LINK to info about PvP changes coming in Mod 9. Cool stuff!
Here's the best LINK to get to The Escapist's March Mayhem competition. Let's vote in the coming days!
Here's a LINK to the article featuring Tower of Despair concept art on DDO.com. Here's a LINK to the Wallpaper for it.
Here's a LINK to Kalanth's "In the Air Tonight" video, week 3 winner of Turbine's 3rd Anniversary Video Competition.
Here's a LINK to the Dice Master event at DDO-Europe.com.
Here's a LINK to Lessah's newest video! Awesome. It's also embeded in it's own post on DDOcast.com.
Here's a LINK to a trailer video of Alex Haddox's Black Best Magazine stuff.
Here's a LINK to the Khyber Pool for Mod 9.
Here's a LINK to info on the ladies' night raid run April 4th on Thelanis.
Here's a LINK to a nice Abbot run achievement.
Here's a LINK to Vyvy3369's explanation about healing amplification on DDO.com.
Here's a LINK to Brannigan Foehammer's latest Stormreach Community Chronicle on DDO-Europe.com.
Here's a LINK to the English version of the DDO Crossword at DDO Welten.
Here's a LINK to The Lie Detectors on MySpace.com.
Here's some pics taken by Rantanplan from The Dice Master event at DDO-Europe! Thanks so much for sending these in: