Praut_ektor's humbling unity speach has caused me to change my way's......... His unyeilding vision of a united Thelanis ,.... one where little thelainian boys hold hands with the little immigrant xorian girls,......... and immigrant thoraskian men unite in passionate embrace............

Nevermore will I call for a marketplace ban on all of the lesser xorian species...... nevermore will I bed another xorian whench and flip her a copperpiece congratulating her on her recent experience in upbreeding.......

SO , my xorian brothe...uh..... friends,.... I embrace this new found paradyme with a symbolic yet appropriate bards tale.....

gather all ye with ears to hear and join in the uniting of All thelanis. !!!!!

Hail Praut_Ektor and his "A Thelanian's view on Thelanis" thread!!!!!

Im sailing away,.......... set an open course for the virgin sea.........
Ive got to be free,....... free to face the life thats ahead of me............
On board, Im the captain,........... so climb aboard................

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