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Thread: State Of Lag

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  1. #1
    Community Member lazlow's Avatar
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    Default State Of Lag

    was on late afternoon early evening yesterday, lag was bad unplayable imo, has there been any improvement of comments from turbine regarding this most recent lagtasticism? just curious.

  2. #2
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Did you try to reboot to make sure it wasn't a memory leak or something? personally i have had 0 lag for the last month.
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  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    We cannot get a State of the Game Address out of the Devs - so I doubt highly that we'll see a State of the Lag Address...

    I myself have only been able to play in short bursts for the last week or so, and then the lag just gets too frustrating to keep going. I'm not alone... I've heard the phrase, "Well, that's enough lag for me for one night. I'm logging out," or something close to that more & more lately . My subscription auto-updated a few days ago, and I took the steps to make sure it does not so so again. I regret not doing so sooner.

    Any and all goodwill I had left is gone. If not for the friends I've made in this game, I'd have retired a long time ago.

    State of the Lag? Oh, the lag is just fine. Thriving in fact. The population of the folks who are dealing with the lag... well, that is not doing as well. It's not a good thing when each and every time I log in, I ask myself why in the hell I'm paying for this game when the Devs just don't seem to care. My personal clock is now ticking... I have one month left on my sub. With the way I'm feeling now, the lag as prevalent as it is, and the Devs unwilling to talk to us about it - my choice to resubscribe or not when that month is up will be pretty easy to make.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  4. #4
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Certainly made the shroud and VOD interesting last night... we completed but only by a hair.
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  5. #5
    Community Member lazlow's Avatar
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    Default i hear ya

    mem, this is my first mmo and i have since tried guildwars, lotr and conan but all have fallen wise( guild wars was well rather nirvana sounding and bat milking, lotr made me shiver and conan...hell i couldnt even sucessfully get the thing to play) . Its the combat thats the key to ddo, is there any other game out there that mimics ddo's combat style thats the same type of genre?

    ps anyone, does lotr get ANY better after the beginning levels? wait, nevermind i couldnt take watching my char. jump like a well....u know.

  6. #6
    Community Member slumbering_dragon's Avatar
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    i agree, last night i got onr for the first time all day tried ot do let sleping dust lie and it was really bad. it took 30sec for spells to land, even my rage to go off. i logged off after that quest. Hey Tolero is there any thing going on to help with the lag for mod 9. cna we expand the bandwidth to help at all? i mean comon this is getting really bad when groups cant eve ndo a shroud with out standing still for over a min and when the lag stops for a brief moment the whole group is dead. that is just bad.

  7. #7
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    May 2008


    Oops my bad thelanis.. sorry i don't know what's up with your server.
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    My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.

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