Originally Posted by
Talon Moonshadow
A couple more things.
Battle casters work very well at low lvls.
I haven't lvled up a real battel caster to high lvls yet, but they have two problems.
Half BaB and Half HP.
You can disguise it all you want, but they will always be half BaB and half HP melees.
Now...that's not as bad as it first sounds though. As they will always be the best buffed melees around....and many are self healing as well.
I've seen some perfom as main tank in top raids. And do well.
But I feel that in general they are ill suited for a main tank / Intimitank role.
Divine power and tensers temp solves the BaB problem.
And good buffs and self healing makes the HP issue not so important.
But both are still a disadvantage.
I do plan on lvling my lowbie one up eventually though.....and he is a ton of fun at low lvls.
And I've also had fun with my Pure Wiz meleeing on occasion. She doesn't do much damage, but with a host of good weps can help out the party a lot.
Paralyser alone frees other melees up to use pure DPS weps.
Vorpals and Smiters, and Puncturers def add to party's kills.
Most battles end so quickly that it seems a waste to use SP in many of them.
So I save SP for the big fights. It's made my Wiz more fun to play IMO.