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  1. #21
    Community Member Deadslug's Avatar
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    Default lol

    I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    OMG!!! Wizzly Bear!!!!! I know that's supposed to be kinda a schtick at me and some of my friends, but who cares, that website was hilarious.

    Did they really have a show or toy called the Sushi squad??

    I'm 19037, and that's what I think.
    I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1GUILD LEADER OF THE UMBER HULKS

  2. #22
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Pyromaniac View Post
    If a roleplayer is scared to join a group, that's just sad for them.
    First off, I'll admit it; I'm freaked out by PuGs. Didn't always used to be like that -- got invited to Blue Line way back in the day, more than a year ago, because they liked seeing an Intimitank. (I guess they were rare back in the day? No one else on the server that I knew of did it, so I did it, which my guild members liked a lot. Looks like, judging by the forums, the build really took off. Heh.) Since then I rarely PuGged, if ever, opting for a guild group that was always there.

    Recently, I've been trying to. Gathering confidence and all that -- I'm rather easily set off by what others think of me and my actions, and tend to think that others can easily see how nervous I am or that I messed up when in most cases, I'll wager they don't. I've been like that since Elementary school.

    But it makes it really hard to PuG and be happy when there are players out there who kick you in 45 seconds of being in the group. I joined a group the other day, wanting to work on my Cleric, since I'm a terrible soloer. Said my usual "Hello" to everyone via text, and then added, "I'm rather "new" to PuGging, I guess you could say. Haven't PuGged in a year, if not more." Swiftly kicked with a simple "don't need a dead weight noob". Tried to send a tell, explain that I could hold my own and that if I really was a problem, I'd escort myself out of the party. Found out I'd been squelched. (I don't have a name or guild. I don't record that stuff; never have had to blacklist anyone, nor do I intend to. Sorry if you're wanting one.)

    So while it isn't roleplayers vs. zergers or whatever, it seems to me to be more of a "new"/new-player vs. "expert" conflict. It'd be nice if people wouldn't be so quick to kick or blacklist/squelch just because someone is new to a quest, or even get ruffled at being looked at funny. That's what sets me off the most; I'd rather avoid all that and just play.

    The irony here is that I'm sure a few people will see this post, take it the wrong way, and add me to their lists in-game. To be honest, after that last group experience, I don't think I care too much anymore. (Or, at least, will try not to from this point on. It's really holding me back.) All I'm saying is that, can we all just lighten up a bit? Experts and new-players alike, or roleplayers and zergers if that's what you want to call it. Just a simple request, I guess.

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

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