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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Need info - Xbox 360

    I just purchased a pre-owned Xbox 360 from a good friend of mine. I know the unit has been well taken care of and there are no issues with it.

    What I am trying to find out is what are the available functions of the Xbox 360 besides gaming? Also can it function with DDO in any way?

    Thanks. Posted this on the Xbox forums a got a bunch of negative statements about buying a pre-owned unit.....hoping for different info from my fellow DDOers

  2. #2


    Don't think you can, unless there are some crazy xbox mods that would let you run computer games on it.

    {_Oxvon Oxbot Oxdoc Oxbeat Oxfu Oxton Unearth Deadbolt Daath Oxon Oxen_}

  3. #3


    do you have it connected to the internet?

    you can download videos, tv shows, you can also watch netflix instant movies if you have an xbox live gold membership (currently on sale for 39.99 for one year) and a netflix membership, you can play dvd's as well as a buynch of different media formats ( for you but torrent users out there). It is also a windows media center extender
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  4. #4


    A lot of the older units had an overheating problem that caused what was termed the 3 red rings of death, the warranty was extended to 3 years for this particular issue, newer models have a smaller cpu/gpu thaht produces les heat.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  5. #5
    Community Member Pardish's Avatar
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    Default Netflix!

    If you have a netflix account and a xbox live gold account you can watch almost all of the "watch instantly" some rights have not ported over yet but quite a few have. You can turn it into a media extender from your computer but I don't think there is anything other than that.

    I hope you don't get the red rings

    edit: slow typer

  6. #6
    Community Member Anastasios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJNOR1 View Post
    I just purchased a pre-owned Xbox 360 from a good friend of mine. I know the unit has been well taken care of and there are no issues with it.

    What I am trying to find out is what are the available functions of the Xbox 360 besides gaming? Also can it function with DDO in any way?

    Thanks. Posted this on the Xbox forums a got a bunch of negative statements about buying a pre-owned unit.....hoping for different info from my fellow DDOers
    As of now with the new live dashboard there are many uses for the 360...It's a great way to communicaate with friends in a private channel should they also have Xbox Live for one...

    It can also be used as a media center link for your network which really is almost worth the money to begin with if you take advantage of the storage you have on a PC and being able to disseminate music, movies and pictures to a larger scale (maybe a nice plasma or LCD TV you have).

    As for DDo there is not much you are going to be able to do with the 360, unless you know the in's and out's of moding an xbox 360 which from what you have typed would not be the case.

    Also should you become a member of xbox live there are many downloads to see via the can also subscribe to Netflix and stream movies right to your TV from your box, and check out TV shows you may have missed or want to see again for a price. There is no Blue Ray capability with the 360 disc drive, that is reserved for the PS3 only.

    Play around with it is all i can tell you, it is user friendly and a good backup for when DDO gets boring, consoles are still my favorite, but not much else to do MMO wise via a console yet...who knows maybe sometime in the future it will not be the case.

  7. #7
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    Well you cant use the machine its self but you can use the controlers and for some builds they work rather well

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  8. #8
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    NHL 2010 (09 is basically is now mmo hockey, it is the greatest sports game ever made)
    Godfather 2....

    Those two games will cut down my ddo time
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  9. #9
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    You can play Katamari with it, what else is there to know? Actually, I don't have one, but there are quite a few decent games for it. Netflix would be cool, too!
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  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by courderoyguy View Post
    You can play Katamari with it, what else is there to know? Actually, I don't have one, but there are quite a few decent games for it. Netflix would be cool, too!
    Hate to say it, but if you really want to play Katamari, get the PS2.

    As for what all can be done on the xbox... the rest of you guys have pretty much listed off everything.

    Unless you want to use live as a chat bases. Actually.. that would be funny. Set up an xbox live chat service for the party to use instead of vent or ingame or other optionals.

  11. #11
    Community Member studentx's Avatar
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    You can use it as a curling stone.
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