Well, its been a fun 3 years for the most part, but on April 6th, my account is up, and I wont be renewing.

I need not state any game reasons why, other than those that are common knowledge in the general community.

I almost let it lapst 6 months ago, but then work got slow, and eventually in January was laid off. Now I am called back, for the foreseeable future, and with nicer weather, comes lake time, family time, etc... when I am not on call anyway.

I am sure I dont know most of the folks on this server, but would like to thank those for the good times, starting with the old Xoriat players, esp those who were part of House of Morrigan, the 1st guild i joined, that later split. All of you that are still around (and there arent many) Salute!

The DeadBlades have been my staple since then, and have been by far the FUNNEST bunch of folks I have known in this game, when the merger happened, we just went with it. Also, those of you from Maelstrom, Pestilance, Legion, IFV, and DWAT that I have gotten to know, and those of you outside those guilds as well; are for the most part, a bunch of stand up players. Even if some of you are Elitist Pricks

I will be in and out of game as time allows the next couple weeks, I see no reason, even in mod 9 hits before then, to re up. I may as well take a good long break till later in the year, or mod 10 (you know, 2019 at this rate) and let those of you I tagged along with help me catch up.

Maybe Pyro's 'fix the lag' campaign will have made a dent.

I am posting this now just so I can hopefully get in 1 last raid with all those folks who have made it fun the last few years. If you see me on, feel free to throw a shadow hu mp my way!

Cheers to you all, see you in game a lil bit longer.