From DDO Wiki:
Cleric Divine Cleansing III: Grants another character a +8 morale bonus to their Fortitude save for a 1 minute. Also removes any poison or disease effects, as well as Blindness, Curses, paralysis, or petrification. Consumes one use of your turn undead ability.
AP Cost: 3 Progression: 33 Requires: Cleric Divine Cleansing II
Does anyone carry this? Seems like it would be very useful just to avoid having to keep certain spells loaded, change to wands/scrolls. Also, if it works like DH, it goes around corners and though walls.
Also cures petrification so another rarely loaded spell is saved.
I have 7 turns on my lvl 11 cleric and tcurrently have DVII and DCI. I am thinking carrying DCIII would be more worthwhile than the DVs and would prefer not to carry both at at tier III.