Looking for a 3-4 Large Devil Scales. Willing to pay 350kpp each. If interested, please ping me here or look me up in game.
I don't have that kinda money, but how about Kardin's Skiver? Or maybe a set of Blademaster Gardes? :-)
Are you looking for the crafting ingredient large scales (because those scales are not from dragons), or are you looking for the blue, black and white dragon scales from Gianthold Tor?
I pulled a couple of small dragon scales out of a chest in the shroud the other day. Maybe the guy in Gianthold will let you trade them up to one large?
-=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]