Having recently joined up (like many of you) to vote for Escapist Magazine's March Madness '09 I've been posting and reading their forums regularly. Turbine fans have not received the warmest of welcomes from the community at large, but the mods have remained very fair handed...that is up until now. While I personally haven't been banned yet, I can't help but notice that all bans are coming towards community members showing any sort of pro-Turbine or recent sign up alignment, while it passes over those spewing hate speech. For instance, this recent post and poster had been banned:
Or this one:Originally Posted by Ungabunga
orOriginally Posted by Vuedoo
Cross-forum quoting isn't as easy as I thought, all posts above can be found here (among others that may actually be considered more benign) - http://www.escapistmagazine.com/foru...3#comment_formOriginally Posted by Fallen Ringbearer
Now my point isn't to rally the Turbine community and flood the Escapist's forums with anti-censorship rhettoric (though by all means feel free). For me the biggest realization about all this was that we all inhabit a forum and community where censorship and sterilization of topics take a backseat to maturity and debate. I actually feel lucky that the majority of my posting goes on here at forums.ddo.com and not a site where dissent begets the ban-hammer.
By the end of the Escapist's contest I doubt that Turbine will hold the reigns again as a large part of the community has spoken up and declared they will vote against Turbine no matter the opponent (combining that with the fact that Turbine fans are being banned left and right hurts our numbers a bit).
If you haven't already signed up and gotten out to vote and participate it isn't too late! Round 2 may be winding down, but there are 3 more rounds to go! I don't care if you vote for Turbine or whomever your whim fancies, but go sign up, vote and speak out about your choice!