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Wow, couldnt help to put your 2 cents in hah?
Where the **** did you pull this from on my orginal post? I am thinking your *** because that is where you do your thinking and talking.Oh and you missed Phaere....but if we're talking about talented healers that was probably intentional.
Let’s see, Phaere....umm....never grouped with her before. Probably why she was not on the list. I am sure she is quite the competent healer. And I apologize for leaving your friend off the list. Kind of hard though when you do not know someone?????
Did you even read my original post? I am thinking not, or you read it the way to suit you so you could add your own dribble. By no means was this a post of who is or who is not a talented Cleric. These are just the Women on this Server that play Clerics that I have had the honor of grouping with many times, and have always done a great job.
One last thing, one of your toons is Trollfinder, look in the mirror my friend, I think you will find what you are looking for.
Jockstrap I Support You, Pansie Pants Mc****er, Taints McTasty, Murple McWind, Gonarea Mistress of Stink.
Holy cow. Jockstrap....quit while you're ahead..or as this thread is going...waaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind.
If you really think you can post something about how much you appreciate the healing women of argo and not have the sharks feed on you like a drowning fat boy at the beach........
Oh btw, just for giggles Jock, i'm gonna call you out on something. Why are you pigeonholing women? I've seen some **** fine melees and bow rangers out of these women as well! Don't think that just because they have mammory glands that their only good toon is their cleric! GOSH!
You know what, your probobly right. There are so many tools on these forums, I can't tell who is kidding ,sarcastic, or what not.
To the ones that were joking, sorry I took you in the wrong way, I guess I am to used to people flaming everyone for anything they post.
I regret one thing, and that is posting the origianl at all. But I have learned one thing, this will be my last post ever in the DDO forums, just not worth it to me.
Jockstrap I Support You, Pansie Pants Mc****er, Taints McTasty, Murple McWind, Gonarea Mistress of Stink.
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
i'm sorry for the fallout that has killed many of argo's citizens
let's take a moment to remember those that gave their lives in service of this thread with this youtube clip
Im always joking, dont pay any attention to me.
If I wanted to be mean, I would say you missed my Cleric, the one that can actually heal, but doesnt coz she has an identity crisis coz she thinks she is a Casterand sometimes she just forgets.
I know how you feel though OP, I never know anymore, anything, on these here forums, but they are amusing for the most part.
Last edited by Mazeratti; 03-24-2009 at 09:09 PM.
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