Can you make a single place for all of the Mod 9 tidbits you keep dolling out 1-by-1? Unless you troll the forums constantly, or constantly check the Dev tracker, you don't know what is official, what has been hinted about, and what is just plain wrong.

It is obvious Mod 9 is the hottest topic on the forums right now. But depending on when you log on, you may catch another tidbit or miss something. We all appreciate the information (albeit small amounts) you are releasing, but make it easier for us to find.

Currently, the information we have is incomplete, filled with speculation, and all over the place (organization wise). Can we get a category in the forum where Torlero and Torrent post updates? I saw one a few weeks ago which was buried a page deep from one of the T's stating soul stones would not be used in Mod 9, or something to that effect. Had I not looked at the post, I would have missed it.

In this vain, this thread is an attempt to list what is official so far, what isn't, and what is super secret and mysterious, unless they put a category to post these things in:

- Release Date for Mod 9: Super Secret and Mysterious
- Capstone Spells - Released
- THF Changes - Some information released.
- TWF Nerf - Speculation
- Full Respec Mech - Speculation
- Level Increased to 20 - Official
- Story line additions - Official - Venture to the Plane of Shavarath
- New Spells - Official
- Permanent DQ raid flagging - Official
- Loot All button, FPS view - Officially being considered
- Shared bank slot between toons - Offiicial
- Soul Stones - Still being considered, but officially NOT in Mod 9.
- Minos Legends Nerf - Official

This is all I can think of at the moment.

NOTE: Please add the things I've missed, and feel free to put links to relevant T & T mumblings releasing information. I will update this if people are willing to point me in the right location.