Any recommendations for a PCIE 2.0 card?
I generally lean toward NVIDIA products though. What do you guys think? I'm trying to piece together a new machine and am looking for suggestions.
Any recommendations for a PCIE 2.0 card?
I generally lean toward NVIDIA products though. What do you guys think? I'm trying to piece together a new machine and am looking for suggestions.
Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
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"It's only elitist if you're not actually better than everyone else."
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
I like nvidia also have bought several over the years for various machines.
I recommend going to best buy or the like seeing what the hot ticket is today (not exocitic or anything) then check to see if you can get it cheaper on line. The vidoe card i spent $399.00 on in october of 08 is now retailing for 149.95 go figure. I'm sure the $399.. card today will be half that in oct of 09. So i'm saying pick a price range, then see what you can get, then don't look back, becuase the price/specs/capabilities will seems to be light years better in a month that what you get today. If we all followed that train we'd never buy a computer.
Can't recommend a particular card without seeing what your specs our on the rest of the system. I got one with 865 ghz processor 782 mb on board with shadow stenciling, and direct X10 support for 199.00 in december when i built the second system. Very happy with especially in DDO. The rest of the system is an AMD tri-core 4400 with 3gig ram 360 gig hard drive running vista
Sarlona Guild of the Black Dragon
Egrofraw, Eighttrack, Fearstryker, Foecleaver, Ferricgnome, Rustoleum, SoPretty
Personally I strongly recommended an Nvidea 8800 or 9800
Best cards for the price on the market currently, at least in my opinion
I'm running an Nvidea 8800 GT OC 512mb, and couldn't be happier with it!
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I have a dual SLI motherboard and dual NVIDIA 8800GTs. It's overkill for this game, but the PC was purchased at the time with future games in mind. I played Age of Conan for a bit and it came in handy there.
Kirwin Hansel - Human Cleric
Eloric Foecleaver - Dwarven Barbarian
Nice.. does this game even support SLI? you might get the same performance if you fully removed on cardAlmost all mmo's do not support SLI or crossfire
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
price range is probably between 100-200 bucks.
Asus M3N78 PRO is the mainboard
Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
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"It's only elitist if you're not actually better than everyone else."
well at that range look at the HD4850 or the nvidia 9800 I'll send you some links to the good ones on newegg.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
hd4850 139.99 -20dollars rebate, free shipping too 512mb
hd4870 189.99 + shipping 1g (very nice card!)
129.99 -20 rebate free shipping 9800gt 512mb
144.99 9800gtx 144.99 -10rebate 512mb
take a look at those
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
ahh curious cause i think about getting another hd4830 cause they are such a steal at 80bucks.. i play on very high smoothly !!!
I think tho if i had 200 bucks to spend, i personally would get a hd4870 without thinking twice, i dream of owning one.. wife won't let me spend the cash.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
164.99 + shipping -30 rebate for a HD4870 512mb.. don't know about asus i guess they are good.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
Ofcourse if you plan on doing dual videocards, with your bored, you must pick NVidia cards, just realised that it's a sli board.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
I bought 2 of these for SLI, i had problems with my Sata cables so i only had 1 running for a week or so, so i can tell you that the card is just awesome. in sli its even more awesome. I got the Card for $20 bucks cheaper last month, so keep an eye out, Newegg always has sales. I also go 2 free Cod WaW games with them too![]()
Keep in mind also that this card isnt as power hungry as most of the other cards like it, It only needs 1 6-pin power connector, But the Overclocking software that came with it is **** compared to Ati's. there is no auto overclock feat which really sucks. But if you dont overclock Or are willing to take the time to OC its Great.
PS My setting are on Ultra High With Dx10 @ 45 Fps Constant, My Cpu probly plays a part though also, Its a E8500. If you dont have a great CPU make sure you dont get a Card that will be to powerful and cause Bottle Necking btw . .
Last edited by poonce; 03-20-2009 at 04:05 PM.
currently running an hd3870 on a gigabyte x48 mb w/e8500 cpu and 4gb ram on vista 32-bit at ulta high everything at 1680x1050 and the game never blinks, never get graphics lag, and couldn't possibly be more thrilled with it.![]()
I have another hd3870 sitting in the box waiting for the game to support using it... and the cards were ~$120 at newegg end of last year. if the 4870 cards have come way down in price lately I wouldn't hesitate a bit at going that route. only caveat is I would make really sure to research that your mb supports whatever card you pick... look for posts with the two model numbers in them on the web and read. also helpful to remember that folks b1tch a lot quicker than they praise so if there isn't any significant amount of bad mouth and the manufacturers say they should work together then you should be good to go with your choice.
If you can hold out for another month or so, ATi is putting out the new 40nm RV740. It's going to be under 100 bucks for better performance than a 4850.
If you want to buy now, I would say to get either a GTX 260 (the original model) or a 4870, both can be had for around $160-170. Either way, just don't look into any newer products from nVidia, they're all just rehashes of an older GPU.
Last edited by Kraldor; 03-20-2009 at 05:46 PM.
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