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  1. #1
    Founder BALOS's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Ideas/suggestions

    Hello to all.. as i for my very first post i am truly sorry. it was my first time writing in forums and i was not sure how to address my self here being my first time. so here is my new post and i hope is its better for u, the readers.

    i wanted to stop by first to say hello, tha i am a returning player since beta and launch days lol. since my return i have seen the many awesome changes that ddo/ turbine has made. i just wanted to add just a few ideas to the many other great ideas people have added.

    1: travel- we all know d&d is a massive world of stories,legends and lore. it is also a place of great lands, cities, other places beyond stormreach. just being able to travel to these other lands by mount , foot or by other means other then instant teleport would be awesome.

    2: other races and classes- more evil races to play would be great

    3: more variety of weapons and armor/ different in apperance... more armor sets/ legendary sets etc.. which there is probaly is some but i have not seen yet

    4: guild houses- and what i mean in that direction is like a theives guild,fighters guild, mage guild..being able to be apart of a certain guild house or a secret society would be awesome.

    5. guild housing for guilds would be great too

    6: crafting- having the freedom to be able to craft our own items

    these are just a few ideas and for all my knowledge turbine is or has been looking towards this direction .. i just more or less wanted to submit some ideas, say hello to everyone and get involved with the community thats all and i know some of you may disagree and thats cool, i just wanted to see some feed back on it and see if there was some who thought this way as well.. again i am sorry for my first post for being truly aweful and i hope this was much better for u, the readers.. ty and good journey to all.

  2. #2
    Community Member Boogeyman_Kid1's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    I like where your head is! These are suggestions make an RPG an RPG, not just an on-line hack-and-slash (::mumbles under breath:: "WoW"). They add depth to the world. Other massive online RPG's have similar capabilities so they should not be unreasonable. Star Wars Galaxies, for instance, has a nearly totally player driven economy, with crafters, entertainers and vendors. It also has structures that you can purchase and place (within limits) for a house, guild hall, or whatever you can imagine. Although I hate the current SWG combat system, I like the nearly limitless options for play other than combat. You can go blast stuff all day, or you can spend hours on without fighting if you'd like. It would be nice to play the game without necessarily having to continuously run quests, but there is no non-combat content. Combat is a large majority of D&D, but it isn't everything. This would be a massive undertaking, but since nobody who isn't interested has to participate in the crafting or guild-houses, then it shouldn't offend anyone, and they would gain the players who find these things important. In other words they can only gain from showing a commitment to developing an enjoyable experience for D&D'ers of different tastes. I really don't see myself sticking around much longer if all that there is to do is hop from dungeon to dungeon in an effort to have the best equipped, highest level character I can get. It just isn't enough to keep me interested.
    I would also like to see maybe orcs or duergar PC's. Drow are available and I do like that you have to earn the ability to run one so that you don't have a ridiculous popuation of dark elves running around freely.
    Last edited by Boogeyman_Kid1; 03-20-2009 at 04:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member azure1968's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default help with names

    Hello to one and all

    This is my 1st forum post, so bear with me.
    OK that being said.
    One of the hardest things in this game(at least for me) is making a good name for my toon.
    How many times have you rolled up a new char, got all the spec just the way you want them, got the apperance just right, and then the name you want is taken or not allowed.

    So how about a random name generator function?

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