Hello to all.. as i for my very first post i am truly sorry. it was my first time writing in forums and i was not sure how to address my self here being my first time. so here is my new post and i hope is its better for u, the readers.
i wanted to stop by first to say hello, tha i am a returning player since beta and launch days lol. since my return i have seen the many awesome changes that ddo/ turbine has made. i just wanted to add just a few ideas to the many other great ideas people have added.
1: travel- we all know d&d is a massive world of stories,legends and lore. it is also a place of great lands, cities, other places beyond stormreach. just being able to travel to these other lands by mount , foot or by other means other then instant teleport would be awesome.
2: other races and classes- more evil races to play would be great
3: more variety of weapons and armor/ different in apperance... more armor sets/ legendary sets etc.. which there is probaly is some but i have not seen yet
4: guild houses- and what i mean in that direction is like a theives guild,fighters guild, mage guild..being able to be apart of a certain guild house or a secret society would be awesome.
5. guild housing for guilds would be great too
6: crafting- having the freedom to be able to craft our own items
these are just a few ideas and for all my knowledge turbine is or has been looking towards this direction .. i just more or less wanted to submit some ideas, say hello to everyone and get involved with the community thats all and i know some of you may disagree and thats cool, i just wanted to see some feed back on it and see if there was some who thought this way as well.. again i am sorry for my first post for being truly aweful and i hope this was much better for u, the readers.. ty and good journey to all.