Greetings to our Friends on Ghallanda.

First, a thank you for those who have participated in the Waterworks Gauntlet. It has been wonderful meeting other community members, and it is my hope you found our guild members helpful and pleasant to socialize with while you played.

Now...the real business:

The Valhalla Permadeath Guild will be forming raid parties (the low level ones) in the late Spring.

As a PD guild we obviously have to make some adjustments to party composition due to deaths (very inconvenient). However, we have enough toons closing in on appropriate level to run the Tempest Spine Raid. We are scheduling two runs with two teams on Memorial Day Weekend. After that we hope to run the Vons Raid and Titan preraid content by July.

Since our guild bylaws preclude the use of the AH, Brokers and buying consumable magic - we are running a very specific set of quests to prepare for raids. To facilitate any who desire a chance to participate in these events I am reporting our plans very early on.

Typically we hope to run a raid on a consistent basis with alternates filling in the ranks of the departed.

If you are interested in the challenge of preparing and running raids with permadeath toons - who did not use, spoilers, twinking, auction brokers, or consumable magic purchases to meet these challenges- please contact an officer of Valhalla in game, or send a note to me in PM.

I hope that some of you consider this form of playing DDO.

KG Wiking