Allow me to post this disclaimer before you read on:
Although I searched the forums and did not find a previous post on this topic, please forgive me if this was covered by a post that I missed.
Although the DDO character appearance is significantly better IMO than the over-hyped WoW, it still leaves a little to be desired. The armor as a whole could be more aesthetically pleasing, but the thing that I am most disappointed with is the fact that when you don a cloak, your stastics reflect that you're wearing one, but your character (toon) appearance does not. This may seem like a small and insignificant detail, but it's in the details that you find the differences between good games (like DDO) and great ones, and this is not up to the standard of today's PC gaming. Aside from some minor game-play issues, overall I think DDO is a good game, but I lose interest in characters if I am not happy with how they look (as evidenced by my 8 low-level characters). If I exhaust my ideas of interesting characters, I will lose interest in the game as a whole.
Anyone else have any thoughts?