One word of advice from a dude with five kids.....
Our first was going to be a girl, according to the ultrasound. So out we went, pink this, yellow that, girl baby stuff galore. Then comes a healthy boy. Luckily, we were able to use the pink stuff when our second child (a boy according to the ultrasound) was born a girl.
Three and four were both girls, and were identified as such on the ultrasound. For the fifth one, we didn't want to know, but he was a boy. So for our family at least, the ultrasound was 50/50.
A couple other words of advice to facilitate gaming....
1. Really push the whole breast feeding thing. Talk about mother child bonding, the transference of beneficial antibodies, the natural health benefits. Don't talk about the fact that it means YOU will not be able to do it. Of course, you can go get the hungry baby, and burp her afterwards, but you won't have to mess with bottles, formula, sterilization, etc. If you do go with bottles, remember that the time to stop sterilizing everything is the day you come home from work and find your little princess chewing on a sock or a shoe.
2. Learn to balance. I know from experience that you can play DDO while holding a little baby. This will also help you later on, when the baby isn't so little anymore and squirms around a lot, pulls on your arms, and flops on the keyboard while you are trying to tank the Stormreaver.
3. Babies love quiet time. When they are little, they just want to be held (see 2 above). Mommies need sleep. You can be a hero if you volunteer to take little baby for a few hours while she naps. Turn down the sound, or throw on a one ear set of headphones, cuddle up to baby, and throw up an LFM.
4. Certain spells in DDO are soothing for kids. Once her eyes are opened up and she is looking around, roll up a wizard and memorize Hypnotic Pattern. I play on a big screen TV, and my kids love that spell animation. They also like Sleet Storm and for some reason they like the Curse icon, when you adjust the camera angle so that it is huge and in the middle of the screen.
5. Invest some skill points into Concentration. You will need it for when you are puked on, ****ed on, peed on, drooled on, and kicked by those little flailing limbs while you are playing. Later, as she gets older, you will need it for when she is leaping into your lap for a hug. My Concentration is about 48, so I can hug kids, assign chores, discuss homework, change ****y pants, give friendship advice, and remove the pickles from a cheeseburger all while playing DDO.
6. For the first while, if you are the dad nobody will give a **** about you. That's the way it should be. People will come to see the baby and the mommy. From my experience having done that five times, standing there attentively while everyone talks to mommy about how she is doing and going gaga over the baby gets pretty old. You can make sure that the guests have refreshments, coffee, tea, whatever. Also keep an eye on mommy to make sure that she isn't getting over tired from the visiting. Other than that, nobody will really care if you are there or not. A great time to play DDO.
7. Babyproofing your house is about more than plugging up outlets and making sure nothing breakable is on lower shelves. Make sure that there is nothing on your hotkeys that can really mess things up. I used to have a couple more common Teleport destinations on my hotkeys, until while running a quest my youngest jumped on my lap for a daddy hug and I wound up in the Portable Hole mid quest. Also, when she starts to crawl and reach for things (it will happen faster than you know) it can be costly. My kid once chugged 100 cure serious pots for me while I was standing in the pub, one after another, while I was paying for pizza at the door. He liked the sound, I guess. I'm just glad they weren't Heal scrolls.
8. If you think you sleep at weird times now, you haven't seen anything yet. You will be woken up at all hours of the night, unable to get back to sleep half the time. Use that as a chance to meet lots of people from other parts of the world on DDO. There are groups playing on most servers who are living in different time zones. I would play with you late at night but my kids sleep through the night now, and about 10 years of constantly having a baby in the house messing with my sleep patterns is sufficient