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  1. #1
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Default Greensteel Wraps in Mod 9?

    Will we finally get Greensteel handwraps in Mod 9? There are allot of people concerned about this and really all it takes is 1 Dev response to confirm or deny. If you confirm this is the case people will rejoice, and if you deny we can stop wasting our time with the class and move to another. People wont be any LESS upset if you wait till the release of mod 9 to say "No we havent fixed handwraps yet," in fact they will be MORE upset.

    TONS of info has been leaked about the impending Mod 9, please release the answer to this question. Also will they increase unarmed by 1die size like all the other greensteels? Which at level 20 would be 3d8, the lower levels everyone knows allready.

    Please let us know, this is a serious issue with the monk community.

  2. #2
    Community Member Fennario's Avatar
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    I have a capped water monk, so I use hand wraps in most content for stunning fist. I would love to see greeweave handwraps. I have given up on them though. I personally don't think that they are coming any time soon.

    Will this "make me stop wasting my time with the class and move to another?"


    Monks have their flaws, believe me I know. But I have fun with mine, so I don't feel its a waste of time.

    One big problem is the lack of dps on the big bosses. You just have to do what you can for now. I have a nice transmuting of pure good quarterstaff that I use on the bosses for example.

    Do I deal out as much damage as my strength based ranger with favored enemy:evil outsider and dual mineral 2 dwarven axes? Nope, not even close. But I am contributing. Raid bosses are once every 3 days for a few minutes. There is more to the game than them.

    Even if greenweave handwraps don't make it in Mod 9, I would say that there is a good possibility of some other uber weapons coming. And if the devs are smart, they won't leave hand to hand combat out of the equation this time.

    But I do agree that it would be nice for a dev answer to the greenweave handwrap question. Just a simple soon, someday, or never would do.

  3. #3
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Raids may be once every 3 days, but you really think thats the only time people whip out their green steel weapons? The reason I say waste of time, is there really is no comparison when it comes to greensteel items versus normal, and they dont just make boss fights easier, but EVERY quest.

    Without the greensteel handwraps many would be better off rolling a kensai with kamas or the like. I LOVE monks, they are the whole reason I came to DDO in the begining, and fought for their release. I was so happy when they came out, and that Gsteel wraps were promised.

    But the months keep going by with neither a fix nor a word on an upcoming fix. I watch other classes I would enjoy easily tearing through mobs and soloing (pure meele classes need gsteel to solo high level stuff) quests I wouldnt dream of. Not to mention the comments you get from people when in a raid and "claiming" to be a dps class.

  4. #4
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    Hopefully not
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delacroix21 View Post
    Will we finally get Greensteel handwraps in Mod 9?
    The Devs had said no

  6. #6
    Community Member Hraust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icculus View Post
    The Devs had said no
    I've heard this before (Dev's said, "No"), but I cannot find the source for this quote. Would you post a link to the original thread where they said there would be no greensteel handwraps?
    Hylok Foss Rogertham; Chad Minion of Zushakon; Hraust Geysa; Rastsar Racetraitor
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Possessing two weapon fighting feats will grant additional attack hooks to unarmed monks, and only add those attack hooks. Feats and abilities that are tied to two weapon fighting (such as two weapon defense or Tempest) will not work with handwraps.

    Handwraps will still occupy both weapon slots (though the magical effects on them will affect all of your unarmed attacks) and you will continue using the monk unarmed attack animations. Fighting with a pair of kamas gives you additional versatility in selecting your gear layout and access to the secondary two weapon fighting feat and ability chains; fighting with a quarterstaff will give you strength and a half to damage and glancing blows.

    At this time we are not adding green steel weave handwraps.
    Now we can all focus on the "at this time" part of that post and continue dreaming and demanding a more recent comment. I believe they have had enough difficulty getting all the normal enchantments to work on handwraps that they're not going to spend all the time getting all the weird one-off greensteel enchantments working too. However, I have absolute faith they'll address the situation somehow in Mod 9.

  8. #8
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    I am fine with no greensteel handwraps as long as we get a nice set from mod 9, that have transmuting, and lots of extra

  9. #9
    Community Member Hraust's Avatar
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    Angry Rrwaaaaarrrr!

    Thanks for the link.

    They had better give something equivalent to GS handwraps in Mod 9. These days any Elite content over 14th level REQUIRES GS for bypassing damage reduction and increased DPS.

    For Heaven's sake, we are going to Shavarath in Mod 9. Will monks not have their best weapon for the raids?

    Don't even bother bringing up kamas or staves. A 1d6 weapon (kama/staff) is laughable to a 1d20 (handwraps at 20th).
    Hylok Foss Rogertham; Chad Minion of Zushakon; Hraust Geysa; Rastsar Racetraitor
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  10. #10
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    I agree completely. Especially with no transmuting handwraps even in the loot tables monks are totally hosed from handwrap fighting and it really is an utter shame.

    We all leveled with those cool unarmed animations you worked so hard on (although you would be LUCKY to find a monk that wasted the feats on whirlwind attack, just give it to us for free will ya), only to never see them again and attack like EVERY other TWF user out there.

    Not to mention as the above poster stated who would WANT to use weapons with the worst die roll (1d6) and worst crit range (20)? Any ol fighter, ranger, or barb could still use those weapons better then us. My biggest upset is that I am supposedly "proficient" with daggers, but equip them and you realize your anything but.

    Please add the green steel wraps, you really cant have the monk class be truly successful at the level cap without them. The whole reason we use them (ignoring the horrible crit range and multiplier) is for the faster attacks and higher base damage. We built our characters around them, and they obviously fit into what the monk class IS. Yet you still force raid monks to give them up for transmuting of pure good kamas later on. I will NOT take a non-shroud "better" handwrap, I want greensteel as they let me customize what I want (just like everyone else).

    Comon DDO, your better then this.

  11. #11
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    One of the issues I saw mentioned was trying to increase the dmg that GS handwraps would do. After all, all the other GS weapons are 1 rank higher in dmg die. I still like my idea that the GS handwraps would grant a feat of unarmed strike, increasing our effective attack die that way.

    I suppose the bigger problem they are having is in the way handwraps work. They apply their bonuses to the monk and it seems some of the bonuses do not work properly so they don't want to add all the properties from GS weapons to the pile of effects that are broken on handwraps.

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