Race and Class:
Human Fighter Stalwart Defender
Effective Intimitank with respectable, but not kill count leading, DPS
LVL 16 Stats:
+2 tomes of STR, DEX, CON, & CHA eaten at LVL 1
+6 items worn for the previously mentioned stats.
STR: 32 (+4 when in defender stance)
DEX: 22
CON: 22 (+4 when in defender stance)
INT: 13
WIS: 8
CHA: 22
Predicted Beholder Hit Points:
228 - LVL 16
30 - Proof of Poison belt of Greater False Life Belt
18 - Minos Legens Helm
54 - 3 Toughness Feats
20 - 2 Fighter Toughness Enhancements
20 - 2 Fighter Racial Toughness Enhancements
Total: 370 Hit Points
Predicted Beholder AC:
Dodge and untyped bonuses stack
10 - Base
6 - Dex Bonus (enhancements allow for 6 dex bonus on both tower shield and armor)
15 - Dragontouched Plate Armor (Armor bonus)
1 - Armor Eldritch Ritual (Dodge bonus)
9 - Leviks Defender Tower Shield (Shield Bonus)
1 - Shield Eldritch Ritual (Dodge bonus)
5 - Leviks 3 part set (shield, DT armor, bracers) (Insight bonus)
5 - Protection (deflection bonus)
1 - Feat: Dodge (dodge bonus)
5 - Combat Expertise
3 - Stalwart Defender I, II, III increases (1 each, untyped)
3 - Stalwart Defender Shield Block Bonus I, II, III increases (1 each, untyped)
2 - Shield Block standard (shield bonus, stackable)
Total: 66 AC
Projected Raid Buffed AC:
Start 66 AC from previous
(some of these buffs are unknown to me which type of bonus it is, yet they seem to stack when implemented in game)
*THIS is MAX, short-term BURST AC, sustainable for only 20 Seconds at a time due to Human Versatility Boost.
4 - Human Versatility (untyped)
1 - Haste (dodge bonus)
2 - Recitation (luck bonus)
4 - Inspire Heroics (ac song)
4 - Stalwart Defender Defensive Stance Boost (Dodge)
5 - Barkskin (Natural)
5 - Bulwark of Good Palidin Aura (untyped)
Raid Buffed BURST AC: 91
Estimated Damage Reduction:
6 - 2 Feats (Shield and Improved Shield Mastery
6 - Standard when using (not blocking) with a shield (stalwart defender bonus)
15 - Leviks Defender Tower Shield
10 - Stoneskin (Mineral weapon casts stoneskin 15^10)
? - Stalwart Defender grants additional (amount unkown) DR when blocking with a shield
Total DR: 37+ unknown amount while blocking
(sustainable for 11 minutes, self casted GH length)
19 - Skill Points
6 - Charisma Modifier
2 - Feat: Bullheaded
3 - Feat: Skill Focus Intimidate
6 - Stalwart Defender Non-Boost
4 - Greater Heroism
13 - Ring of intimidation
4 - Enhancement: Fighter Intimidate
6 - Greensteel Cha Skills Item
Burst Intimidate:
(20 Seconds Sustainable due to Human Versatility boost)
Start with 63 from previous
2 - Inspire Competence
4 - Human Versatility
Total BURST Intimidate: 69
I'm interested in what you guys think? What do you think is good about this build and what do you think is not good about it?
Obvisouly this isn't a kill count leader, but w/a 32str, should be able to do some damage. I've taken feats for an extra +3 to ATK rolls and +2 to damage, I like bastard swords over Kopesh (don't ask hehe) and I have taken Imp critical as well.