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  1. #1
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    Default Assin/monk 1 lev or 2

    Not sure which way to go here, building a new assasination rogue, gonna go the monk splash route, debating between 1 or 2 levs for the extra feat. I know id loose 1d6 on sneak attack 1 dc from assasinate and the last extra rogue feat for basically an extra feat and 10 hp... not sure which way to go, any advice from current builds of this nature.

  2. #2
    Founder Kambuk's Avatar
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    Taking the one lvl of monk means you Int will be lower as you will put more in wisdom for the ac bonus so that one point on the assainate dc becomes more relevant.

    10 hp will not be a lot at lvl 20.

    I am planning on 19/1 for my current 15/1 build


  3. #3
    Community Member hcarr's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    Many suggestions and many ways to go. You already know the tradoffs it comes down to which you value more. If you are just taking the second monk lvl for the feat maybe consider a fighter lvl instead of second monk. more hp. martial weapons, sheild prof (esp usefull at lower lvls) and 1 fighter toughness enhancment etc. When and if the cap ever goes up at this point you will be able to have 3 rogue bonus feats if you take 2 lvls other than rogue. consider crippling strike, improved evasion and slippery mind the ones to take. defensive roll and skill focus I can personally miss and not feal like i am giving somthing up with the fourth bonus feat from the 19th lvl of rogue.

    Your starting int would make a big difference also for your assasination dc. if starting higher you may be able to get away with the second lvl easier than if you start with a low intellegence score.

    At this point though It may be more prudent to just hold off on starting because you never know what they are going to change and may even put in a nice capstone that you would want to stay pure to get. Esp if you are going to be putting tomes into the build early.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    agreed on fighter thought, did think about it, but if i go a 2nd lev it'll be monk for 1 main reason, and that would be for the monk wisdom 1

    As for capstone I dont see them changing it, and as for people saying they're gonna make wisdom ac centered... sorry not gonna happen for one reason... they took a rule and based it purly on pnp.. now they've changed ALOT from pnp but never have they put something in thats a full pnp rule and then changed it later, if they would do that then they would loose any right to say the game was based on pnp what so ever.

    As for the rogue feats, yeah im not worried about missing the one at 19, its the 1 dc and the +1d6 backstab im worried about, current int start is 14, with a +2 tome (the builds already been started) dont want to wait till mod 9 since i've got 8 capped 16s and leveling 1-20 is going to be worse then 1-16 (think about that dead going from 10-13 to 10-16.. thats not gonna be fun running 15-16 without that shroud exp....

    id rather cap this guy out before mod 9 and plan to, as i said not worried about these people screaming monk nerf... wont hapen.. my choice really comes down to +1d6 sneak and 1 dc to assasinate, or extra feat a few more hp and that monk wis 1 and im just really not sure which way to jump the extra feat is nice to give some build flexability but the rogue stuff is nifty to... so yeah thats my dilema

  5. #5
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Take only 1 monk level before 17. If you think the character is working for you then just stay with the 1 level.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  6. #6
    Community Member Timjc86's Avatar
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    Personally, on my assassin, I am attempting to absolutely minimize non-rogue levels. Unless something drastically changes my mind, he will end as a 19 rogue / 1 fighter. So were I building your character, I would go 19 rogue / 1 monk instead of 18 / 2.

    Sometimes I'm sad that I took fighter instead of barbarian (almost the same proficiencies minus tower shields, slightly more hp, but the 10% extra run speed is very appealing). But in the end I'm glad I went with one fighter level, as I really can't see living without the extra feat.

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