Hello DDO developers,
In the interest of getting more players to use unused enhancement lines, i propose to add additional enhancement line AP progression costs. So instead of 1/2/3 AP and 2/4/6 AP, how bout a 2/3/4 AP and 1/1/1 AP also!. Heres my logic...
Current Progression Lines:
1/2/3 = 6AP
2/4/6 = 12AP
My Suggestion
1/1/1 = 3AP
1/2/3 = 6AP
2/3/4 = 9AP
2/4/6 = 12AP
Some enhancements may be viewed as too strong to cost only 1/2/3 AP (i.e. Human Improved Recovery or Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction) and therefore the cost is 2/4/6. Unfortunately i don't believe many people use the entire enhancement line because 2/4/6 AP cost is just too much. Instead by changing the cost to 2/3/4, the initial level is still the same, but it would encourage more players to progress to level 2 and 3.
Along the same line. Some enhancements should cost less than 1/2/3 AP. In particular i am talking about skill enhancements. Do you know any caster that takes enhancements to concentration? or clerics to heal? Seems like only rogues use skill enhancements and thats not a real good since every class has potential skill enhancements to use. So my recommendation is to put all skill enhancements to cost 1/1/1. The rogues would benefit most from this change, but i think rogues need a little boost anyways.
My suggestion will add more tiers to the enhancement line beyond 6AP and 12AP thus encouraging use of less used enhancement lines and promoting diversity of builds!
Note: I intentionally did not mention the 4/2/2 progression line which is currently reserved for PRC enhancements.