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  1. #1
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default DDOcast Episode 108!

    Hi everyone! Episode 108 of DDOcast is now ready. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.

    This episode features guest co-host James Thomas (Laggin on Thelanis) along with Xilosicent! Lessah answers some permadeath questions on "Know Your Role", BigBadBarry talks ethereal weapons on "From the Treasure Trove" and Mical the Wise discusses good caster items on "The Caster Corner". We also have a lengthy discussion about the history of D&D, gary Gygax, "the business", the Chanmail guild and more! In addition, Jonythunders provides St. Patrick's themed bagpipe music for the show! This is an epic one! Thanks for listening!


    :00 Introductions
    1:52 "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"
    3:00 Shavarath Concept Art
    6:12 Mod 9 Latest
    7:06 Fighter: Weapon Alacrity
    8:05 Bow Strength
    9:56 Vendors Moving
    10:55 Mass Charm Returns
    12:25 Dismiss Charm
    13:20 QA Lodge FAQ!
    14:02 Video Contest Winner
    15:55 Lag Talk and Shroud Talk
    21:46 Names They Aren't A-Changing
    24:06 DDO-Europe Valentine's Screenshot Contest
    24:45 DDO-Europe Forum Downtime
    25:15 Third Year Anniversary News
    27:38 DDO Basics (Europe)
    29:35 Turbine VP of Ops Named
    30:23 Know Your Role
    39:53 From the Treasure Trove
    44:48 The Caster Corner
    47:57 Ghallanda: Justicar organizing PvP Event
    48:33 Great Tips Thread
    51:45 Stormreach Community Chronicle
    52:38 "Gary Owen"
    53:22 James Thomas - Chainmail Guild Interview
    -- We discuss the early days, Gary Gygax, "old school" D&D, the Chainmail guild, the "business" and tons of stuff! --
    1:35 Emails
    1:45 Thanks
    1:47 "Batallón de San Patricio"


    Total Time: 1:48:50


    More info about the Chainmail guild can be found HERE.

    Here's a LINK to the article featuring the art of Shavarath.

    Here's a LINK to the Shavarath wallpaper.

    Here's a LINK to Eladrin's post about the Fighter Capstone: Weapon Alacrity.

    Here's a LINK to Eladrin's post about Bow Strength.

    Here's a LINK to Silthe's QA Lodge gameplay FAQ.

    Here's a LINK to the Third Anniversary Video Competition Week 1 winner: DDO's Cry by Theuf.

    Here's a LINK to the DDO-Europe Valentine's Day Screenshot Contest winners.

    Here's a LINK to Turbine's press release about Ken Sunden being named VP of Operations.

    Here's a LINK to Justicar's Ghallanda thread as he organizes a PvP tournament.

    Here's a LINK to the awesome tips thread on

    Here's a LINK to the great thread on DDO-Europe answering many basic DDO questions.

    Here's a LINK to Brannigan Foehammer's Stormreach Community Chronicle.

    DDOcast - A weekly podcast about DDO!
    Characters: Sarlona: Mockduck (Cleric): Beefheart (Fighter): Mockduk (Ranger/Rogue): Monkduck (Monk): Veiovis (Fvs/Rog) Guild: Mockduck (Rogue) Cannith: Mockduck (Fvs/Rogue) Twitter Facebook

  2. #2


    Nice show this week Jerry.

    Just an additional point on the email from a new cleric on Healing Amplification.
    Yes it does stack with itself (where the % is not the same) and yes it stacks with Devotion.

    BUT to clarify - healing amplification increases the healing YOU receive...NOT the amount of healing you can do with your spells.

    So the clerics spells in question would be unchanged - but when he heals himself they would heal more damage.

    Therefore as a Cleric item I don't think they are really worth it. (They are more for a low AC tank or barbarian)


    Whilst opinions will vary immensly my suggestion for newer clerics is:

    Item : Goggles - Wiz 6 (Positive) ; +50sp (Negative) ; +100sp (Positive)
    Will also give you +6 Wisdom and +10 Diplo and Haggle - freeing up a spot.

    (Slight Alternative : The Hound Raid has a good necklace and a good ring for clerics that will forego the requirement for Wiz 6 - so replace with +10 hp (Pos))

    Another alternative if you do plan on getting the Hound neckalce (meaning you dont need the +6 wis from Pos/Neg) is:

    Goggles : Air +10hp ; Air +50sp ; Air +100sp or Air +10hp; Air +15hp; Air +20 hp
    Double Air gives 3 charges of haste and triple Air gives Air Guard.

    If you plan on running 20 Shrouds and getting the cleansing item then I'd go a SP item and a HP item - the +45 hp can be very handy.


    Weapon : Two options - A DPS weapon or a more specialised one

    IN terms of specialised consider Triple Earth - maybe Acid, Acid Burst and +2 Wisdom.
    It will improve your Spell DC's and give you the Earth Grab chance when you hit a mob and you can summon 2 dense Earth Ele's which can come in handy.

    In terms of DPS then triple Holy does the most damage - but consider spending the 2 AP to get the cleric enhancement that gives the longsword proficiency and make a Longsword for even more dmg.

    Again there are many options though.
    Last edited by BigBadBarry; 03-16-2009 at 12:08 AM.
    Just some dude...

  3. #3
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Great permadeath segment Lessah I heard Extreme Explorers were getting higher levels now. Awesome stuff.

    There is now a hard-core permadeath guild that uses no shrines. No rest shrines. Zero. Nada. The Core HC Permadeath Guild of Khyber. Mortal Voyage rule set with some hard core restrictions.
    M O R T A L V O Y A G E
    Permadeath Guild
    Stay Hard

  4. #4

    Default cool!

    Quote Originally Posted by parvo View Post
    Great permadeath segment Lessah I heard Extreme Explorers were getting higher levels now. Awesome stuff.

    There is now a hard-core permadeath guild that uses no shrines. No rest shrines. Zero. Nada. The Core HC Permadeath Guild of Khyber. Mortal Voyage rule set with some hard core restrictions.
    Thanks Parvo!

    I will look for them on Khyber, the style is a bit too hard core for me, but I would love to talk about them on the show! Yeah in EE, our high group is ten. We are growing up! *sniff sniff* They grow up so fast....
    Last edited by Lessah; 03-16-2009 at 12:09 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I know that you get this alot, but it really can't be said enough. This is just great. I hope you enjoy doing this, because many of us get a kick out of the podcasts too. Thanks again, and keep having fun.
    Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk

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