i have a couple of weapons i will prob never use again so i am putting them up for auction auction time is now till sunday 6p.m. est which is 10:00 GMT the weapons i belive are decent and should be usefull i wish plat for these items but anywho the items are as follows
+1 Holy Burst Rapier of Pure Good RR Elf/Drow ml 8 mild red damage 95 of 105
2 +1 Seeker Rapier of Pure Good ml 10 no damage on one and minnimum red damage on other 103/105 Seeker 8
sorry for the mixup
+2 Holy Burst Dagger of Pure Good ml 12 no damage
thank you and you can either pm me or post here on what you are willing to pay for said item or items i will pm winners at 6 p.m. est on sunday with times i am on and where to meet
thank you and please have a wonderfull day