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Thread: cleric race

  1. #41
    Community Member Belfalcon's Avatar
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    thanks so much for all the help thats what i love about DDO everyone is so willing to help so i ended up going with this build str 10 dex 10 con 16 int 10 wis 18 cha 6
    1 - mental toughness
    3-empower healing extend maby 6
    6- Extend maby 3
    9- maximize not sold on seeing it dose not work on heal spell and with mod 9 comeing out and mass healing comeing i feal the man healing spells will be heal and heal mass.. so we will see i may go with tuffness
    12 - quicken
    15 - Imp mental toughness

    and P.S.
    ya 8mo ago when i quit the game i delited all my toons... thinking i would never come back.. lol well im back now just rolled so... i just can't take world of warcraft any more so hi im glad to be back it just a shame i was so stuped and deleted all my lvl 16s becuse i did not think i would come back
    Last edited by Belfalcon; 03-12-2009 at 05:09 PM.

  2. #42
    Community Member Belfalcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demoyn View Post
    Well equipped? I'm sorry it's so hard for you to get a +5 shield and a +6 dex item. Those are the only two random roll items in my upper calculations, and they're both relatively cheap and relatively plentiful.

    Capable of running Sorjeck preqs and completing? Yeah, I'm assuming that he's going to be moderately competent at the game. I mean, according to your logic we shouldn't even help him create a character because he may be too incompetent to do the introductory quest to begin with.

    Running with competent teammates who provide haste and full ranger barkskin? If you're often in groups where people aren't hasting and buffing, I'll make sure to never make a character on Thelanis. Over here on Khyber we use the resources our characters are given, or ask for them at the very least. Saying that you can't count a buff on the off chance that your teammates are complete tards is.... well... ********. In fact, I'd put money down that if his teammates are so incompetent that neither balance or armor will help him anyway, as he's sure to party wipe over and over.

    Well funded? I'm not making that assumption at all. Again, there's only two items on the original list that can be purchased, and neither are all that expensive.

    Has gone on a collectables fest? Well yes, I'm assuming that a new player will collect collectables. If he's really as broke as you're making him out to be, then he could use the money if nothing else. I'm sorry that running through five level 1 quests to gather 15 beads is so difficult for you. Maybe your guildmates can help you with that.

    Furthermore, I'm not assuming anything about a bard or paladin. That's why I didn't count them in my original AC calculation, but instead put them in the paragraph below to show that it's possible to get over a 60.

    I had heard good things about Legion, but if you're representative of their knowledge base I see that I've been greatly misled. I don't understand how you guys get any respect if all your characters are as gimped as the one you're trying to advise now, just because you have to plan in advance. Or is it that you're elitists and don't believe anyone else in the game is capable of what you are? I think you're the one making too many assumptions here: that the OP is a mildly ********, uncoordinated player who doesn't need to plan a character because he obviously doesn't have the ability to even get decent groups for end game content.
    think you for being so nice my Join Date is Mar 2007 yes i do know how to play the game. just have not played in 8mos but i shod have no problem slaming out the levels and geting back in to and yes i will be raiding so i will get the items just need to find a guild on Khyber.. but i like to pug as well. and hell all pugs need a good healer.
    Last edited by Belfalcon; 03-12-2009 at 05:27 PM.

  3. #43
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belfalcon View Post
    thanks so much for all the help thats what i love about DDO everyone is so willing to help so i ended up going with this build str 10 dex 10 con 16 int 10 wis 18 cha 6
    1 - mental toughness
    3-empower healing extend maby 6
    6- Extend maby 3
    9- maximize not sold on seeing it dose not work on heal spell and with mod 9 comeing out and mass healing comeing i feal the man healing spells will be heal and heal mass.. so we will see i may go with tuffness
    12 - quicken
    15 - Imp mental toughness

    and P.S.
    ya 8mo ago when i quit the game i delited all my toons... thinking i would never come back.. lol well im back now just rolled so... i just can't take world of warcraft any more so hi im glad to be back it just a shame i was so stuped and deleted all my lvl 16s becuse i did not think i would come back
    Well, have fun....and don't do that again

  4. #44
    Community Member Demoyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belfalcon View Post
    1 - mental toughness
    3-empower healing extend maby 6
    6- Extend maby 3
    9- maximize not sold on seeing it dose not work on heal spell and with mod 9 comeing out and mass healing comeing i feal the man healing spells will be heal and heal mass.. so we will see i may go with tuffness
    12 - quicken
    15 - Imp mental toughness
    Definitely take extend at 3 and empower healing at 6. Empower healing adds another 10 mana to the cost of your heals, so at low levels it drains more mana than it increases in healing. Most of my builds don't even take it until level 9 anymore.

    I would also take toughness over maximize. Maximize is definitely good, but toughness on a dwarf will end up giving you an extra 58 hp, which is probably more valuable for a healbot.

  5. #45
    Founder Chaos000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    True but even at every quest on normal ... he's going to run into some decent amount of gear - either thru drops - or even PP. He's going to encounter power gamers, who would likely pass a few items his way in time ... gear is overflowing in DDO.
    dunno, this assumption of a handout is kind of the reason why I stopped doing this sort of thing for people.

    "drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*

  6. #46
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    everything is better warforge ^^
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  7. #47
    Community Member Demoyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    everything is better warforge ^^
    I'd love to hear you tell me why sex would be better as warforged.

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