Leader Handee, Brainy, Grouchy, Heffty, Jokie, Lazie, Paapa, Smurffette, Vanitty
Successor Naash, Bel, Blivit, Gur, Ironwulf, Pokee, Quincie, Rafe, Smakie, Thaug
Senior Officer Adanedhel Bleaux, Crankh, Eauhn, Eaux, Gwalchmai, Neithan, Yahmon, Youmaykmee
Senior Officer Azzrael, Chinto, Dsanchez, Gargarmel, Shimabuku
Senior Officer Beverlee, Herga, Maggieann, Medkit, Signe, Thevision, Tibb
Senior Officer Bigdrakk, Bune, Drakkling,Drakkster, Fattdrakk, Galacticus, Ghostdrakk, Lildrakk,Maddrakk, Xenderak
Senior Officer Brooth, Darrick, Dyllan, Jaeron, Jaeson, Kace, Nerin, Wawlph
Senior Officer Coldrage, Tempes, Temphealz, Tempshot
Senior Officer Tagnjar, Tabnsmite, Tabunheal, Tabunkill, Tabuzap, Thetabinator, Thetabitha
Officer : Acee, Doctordarnel,Eddiedean, Evildash, Forgedawn, Leonn, Renee, Rolandd, Vengeancee, Leonn
Officer: Att, Borill
Officer : Basharteg,Calibrated, CranbrookDrwellington, Hagglebot, Invisibolt, Kwisatz, Methusala
Officer: Bostone
Officer : Bufalo, Charliee, Jerk, Neebs
Officer: Busheedo, D**shido
Officer : Daniken, Dddan
Officer: Darax, Darexx, Darix, Daryx
Officer: Dembrant,Antirinator,Babeesmurf, Raegwyn, Servantir, Servantirtwo, Sussant
Officer: Docatar, Airow, Banchee, Ralf, Shealla
Officer : Dunncan, Surrge
Officer: Elmo, Amdr, Camerone, Fozzie, Ganelon, Ganelonn, Marin, Seda, Sevollas
Officer : Fenaile, Fenestro, Fengwan, Fenlian, Fennelle, Fensilian
Officer: Fleshchanter, Fleshik, Fleshredder, Flezzta
Officer: Glenalth, Isindolph, Perscription, Preston
Officer: Gremell, Dragain, Iebrius, Rascalle, Seanair, Ucadien, Zergaryious
Officer: Grixis, Krzy
Officer: Grontuh
Officer: Haukeye, Hauk, Xylen, Xylin, Xylon, Zylin
Officer: Malaghea, Malagh
Officer: Maximelia, Fatten, Fattest
Officer: Merlocke, Merloc, Merlockebot, Merlocked, Merlocke-
Officer: Milicent, Blooddrunk, Brassknuckle, Crantos, Marikoth, Sixxpounder, Warchant
Officer: Nukem
Officer: Parnor, Khaless, Lyesra, Tarry, Wrenwing
Officer: Phorce, Phace, Phaith, Phanquish, Phelin, Phenixx, Phish, Phix, Phocus, Phortune, Phrantik
Officer: Raidden, Johnyfive, Kevorkien, Megamaid, Raiddenn, Raiddonn
Officer: Sorixy, Coroner, Expandable, Mystique, Robbery, Sorinas, Sorinn, Sorix, Soron
Officer : Sturne, Bethan, Bullrush, Bullvi, Bullwark, Discarns, Elusis, Lykias, Phidias, Thaden, Vedder
Officer: Tdaraa,Aamile, Bitzie, Falenye, Hadura, Iluinya
Andarial, Andariall, Blissen
Away, Hmm, Petes, Vehama, Bwoos
Aciddrip, Churchie, Xollan
Peepylapew, Pepy
Dusken,Tusken, Vusk, Vusken
About the guild
A.O.K. was formed the first week DDO went live. It was originally formed by the 3 members, Heffty (Handee), Huge (Raidden) and Naash. A.O.K. has always tried to maintain its own identity and has sometimes been labeled as a rather abrasive type of guild. A.O.K. members strive to be above average players who can successfully ruin any raid at any given time due to drunkeness, or general screwing around. When playing seriously we can more than hold our own but tend not to buy into a lot of other guilds B.S. All A.O.K. members once admitted and upon showing a desire to help, communicate with, and game with the guild are promoted to officer status. We are continually looking to recruit new players but tend to try and recruit established players that we have become comfortable with. Any officer may recruit from outside of the guild, but that officer assumes responsibility for any recruiting that they do. We do not currently have a website because the ones we have used in the past were rarely visited. We do use ventrillo and also have a fairly large in game channel with many players from other guilds.
Within the guild we have only a few but important rules. The main rule of thumb is to attempt to help the guild as much as possible. When logging on try to establish guild groups and fill from our channel. Whenever possible try to help equip other guildies as their needs arise. Leave drama such as dating other DDO players out of the guild. If you would rather play with players outside the guild than the ones inside the guild then you may be dismissed. Any guild decisions may come to a vote by the senior officers, in the event of a tie than leaders vote counts twice.
If you have played with us you may in fact love us or hate us, thats ok. We tend to have a slight arrogance about us but the A.O.K. players are indeed all good people. If you have an interest in joining the guild please seek out one of the officers above and they can set up some time to evaluate how you may fit with the guild.
Guild site: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=2605293