Dragonmarks are a great addition to the game, but could use a little encouragement as they aren't widely used. As dragonmarks are affected by the Metamagic feats, these can be a fantastic tool in enhancing their use. However, one significant drawback is that the metamagic feats are not available to non-casters. Changing this would be a nice improvement to encourage unique builds to use dragonmarks.
For example, the elf 2nd tier dragonmark allows casting displacement. This is a very nice addition for an intimitank build as being able to self-displace has some serious tactical advantages. On a fighter, who has lots of feats, taking extend to make this more useful is a logical choice. But alas, it cannot be done as the metamagic feat is not available to the fighter.
I dont see any downside to allowing this, other than making dragonmarks more powerful, which to me is a plus, not a minus.