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  1. #1
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Default handwraps vs kamas and prey on the hunter

    So I got my monk up to lvl15 and in general I don't use Kamas unless I have to. First of all, am I correct in the assumption that every handwrap hit does 2d6? versus 1d6 for kamas and you get more attacks per second with handwraps making the comparison even more favoring handwraps? Is the only reason to go with a Kamas is for either, vorpal, wounding, or puncturing?

    And as a follow on to that, what do you do for prey on the hunter where hitpoint damage is almost pointless and most people go with wounders, are we monks pretty much forced to go with Kamas in that quest?

    and finally, what about maladroit/bonebreaking? seems like that could make handwraps useful in Prey since the giants can't have that much dex, probably around 14 or so? does anyone take advantage of dex stat damage to get to that autocrit when dex is zero. Most things are dead before that becomes much use, but since the giants in prey have so many hitpoints?

  2. #2
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    Yeah, I remember reaching that point. Just gotta suck it up and get some Kamas. I have two Wounders finally, still can't find any reasonable Vorpals. You'll end up using those Wounders/Vorpals alot more than you want...

    Don't be too stubborn/proud about sticking to handwraps. They'll get 'em all fixed up in Mod 9 (they better!) For now, do what you gotta do to contribute.

  3. #3
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NXPlasmid View Post
    So I got my monk up to lvl15 and in general I don't use Kamas unless I have to. First of all, am I correct in the assumption that every handwrap hit does 2d6? versus 1d6 for kamas and you get more attacks per second with handwraps making the comparison even more favoring handwraps? Is the only reason to go with a Kamas is for either, vorpal, wounding, or puncturing?

    And as a follow on to that, what do you do for prey on the hunter where hitpoint damage is almost pointless and most people go with wounders, are we monks pretty much forced to go with Kamas in that quest?

    and finally, what about maladroit/bonebreaking? seems like that could make handwraps useful in Prey since the giants can't have that much dex, probably around 14 or so? does anyone take advantage of dex stat damage to get to that autocrit when dex is zero. Most things are dead before that becomes much use, but since the giants in prey have so many hitpoints?
    Never actually tried m/bb but it would depend on the group..
    if you are running with only 1 other melee using puncturing... mostlikely the giants will loose all dex first, become vulnerable to crits, and die almost imediatly afterwards..

    If you are running with multiple melees using dual wounding, puncturing or wop, most giants will likely die before they lose even half their dex.

    My monk generally does use wounding kamas, but i probalby will try this with certain groups.
    The only other reason to go kama is because greensteel handwraps dont exist yet.

  4. #4
    Community Member feynman's Avatar
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    1. Handwraps do more base damage, but kamas can have more effects on them.
    2. You cannot get puncturing kamas, but vorpals are a must have item.
    3. If everyone else is using stat damage, concentrate on buffs/debuffs.
    4. Maladroit/bone-breaking can be fun, but are extremely situational.

    I cannot comment on monks in prey on the hunter since I have no reason to run those quests

  5. #5
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feynman View Post
    I cannot comment on monks in prey on the hunter since I have no reason to run those quests
    Well, for those of us without icy rainments, I think the DT vestments are valuable to a monk build aren't they? I suppose I am assuming you have the coveted rainments, I've done maybe 20 skellie runs so far and have seen 4 drop, but none for me...

  6. #6
    Community Member feynman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NXPlasmid View Post
    Well, for those of us without icy rainments, I think the DT vestments are valuable to a monk build aren't they? I suppose I am assuming you have the coveted rainments, I've done maybe 20 skellie runs so far and have seen 4 drop, but none for me...
    Got mine out of GoP about 6 months ago

    But yea, if you don't have Icy already DT could even be better; I have DT robes on my 14/1/1 ranger/rogue/monk and also on my sorc. Sorc got junk on it, though, while the 14/1/1 got GFL, SR 22, and sundering ooze guard.

  7. #7
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    well, just an update now that I have run Prey a couple times on Tchopstick. wounding Kamas is pretty much the best I have found so far against the giants. I spent some time both in the explorer area and in the quest using my maladroit handwraps and it appears that the frost giants have a fairly significant dex, maybe double their con. I had real trouble even getting them to the zero dex auto-crit point before they would fall, not even sure I got there on them. Knolls in Reyslon were pretty fast to see the damage numbers suddenly go big. I patiently await mod9 so my weakening of enfeebling handwraps will be worth using!

  8. #8
    Founder Brother_Solar's Avatar
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    Aye, in Prey on the Hunter and in the Stealer of Souls quests, I pretty much use wounding kamas in Wind Stance III exclusively (Vorpal and Quivering Palm are both not effective, the giants have Death Ward) except for on named bosses (where I switch back to handwraps for DPS).

    In Enter the Kobold and Monastery of the Scorpion I prefer to use handwraps and switch stances depending on the fight.

  9. #9
    Community Member Gadget2775's Avatar
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    I'm a big fan of Weighted 5%. Not likely to keep up with wounders, but stunning is fun and makes even a Sorc with a Puncturer god like.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Kevlar's Avatar
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    I tried maladroit with bone-breaking and it works but I agree, they do seem to have a lot of dex. Paralyzing works and with GTWF you maximize the number of times you make them save.
    Tobeoar Knottobe - Elf Wizard : Kevlar - Drow Rogue/Paladin : Narmor - Halfling Monk : Zuit - Human Fighter

  11. #11
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget2775 View Post
    I'm a big fan of Weighted 5%. Not likely to keep up with wounders, but stunning is fun and makes even a Sorc with a Puncturer god like.
    Yeah, I just picked up thundering handwraps of weighted 5%, switched out my weighted 5%ers. Not a big fan of thundering, but it's still better than the other 5% weighted I was using, works well for the Giants in TOR I'll have to try it in Prey as I think I'll be running SOS and the flagging quests till I get a good DT vestment combo, that or till the skellie gives it up to me!

  12. #12
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Prey - This build with +5 Flaming handwraps of Greater Giant Bane, Tharne's Goggles and excessive use of Stunning Fist(+1 Holy HW of Weighted 5% to land the stun, then swap to DPS for damage, or just stun everything and let the Puncturers rip it up...) work great in Prey. On Elite I have to use the Wounding Kamas of Enfeebling, but no big deal there if everyone is using wounding(Off-The-Chart Fort Save renders Stunning Fist near useless on Elite).

    For the Boss, I hit him with Unbalancing Strike and hammer away.

  13. #13
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    ive heard that even those giants in aussicaex's valley have 20+ dex.
    maladroit/bb probably wont be that effective unless entire party goin for dex dmg/debuff, imo.
    DIV on Thelanis

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  14. #14
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    I use +3 flaming burst of weighted 5% in there

    I would consider using my +5 maladroit of bone breaking, but it's probably not worth it unless other people are doing dex damage.

    Once I stun, I move on to the next one and let the people with w/p finish the mob. I try to aim for 0 kills.


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  15. #15
    Community Member Gadget2775's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    Prey - This build with +5 Flaming handwraps of Greater Giant Bane, Tharne's Goggles and excessive use of Stunning Fist(+1 Holy HW of Weighted 5% to land the stun,... **SNIP**
    I use weighted all the time and it doesn't do anything for my stuning fist...Do I need to run the HW through the Stone of Change or are you pre-testing a fix no one else has access to?
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  16. #16
    Community Member Fennario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget2775 View Post
    I use weighted all the time and it doesn't do anything for my stuning fist...Do I need to run the HW through the Stone of Change or are you pre-testing a fix no one else has access to?
    You are correct. Weighted does not do anything to increase the dc of stunning fist. People use them because they have a % to proc a stun on ANY hit.

    Weighted 5% handwraps will proc a stun 5% of the time. So on average, 1 out of 20 hits you will be getting a stun even if you never use stunning fist. That adds up to alot of "free" stuns to a monk that is trying to stun everything with stunning fist.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget2775 View Post
    I use weighted all the time and it doesn't do anything for my stuning fist...Do I need to run the HW through the Stone of Change or are you pre-testing a fix no one else has access to?
    Don't think they're working for Stunning Blow either...

  18. #18
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Personally, I love my +1 Maldroit weighted 4% handwraps, if I dont stun them for auto-crits with the weighted %, then I eventually get auto-crits when their dex=0

    Shaamis carries 2 wounding kamas and two vorpal kamas when needed, but I use my handwraps more often than not, i guess I just like to punch stuff more when I'm drunk! :P
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  19. #19
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaamis View Post
    Personally, I love my +1 Maldroit weighted 4% handwraps, if I dont stun them for auto-crits with the weighted %, then I eventually get auto-crits when their dex=0

    Shaamis carries 2 wounding kamas and two vorpal kamas when needed, but I use my handwraps more often than not, i guess I just like to punch stuff more when I'm drunk! :P
    I use +4 Maladroit of Weighted +3 (ML:16 RR:Halfling) They are nice and have good synergy with unbalancing strike since it is a reflex save.

    Hopefully mod 9 will fix weakening handwraps, and I will use power attack instead of combat expertise with weakening of weighted for even faster kills. Since weakening drops strength (aka to hit) having the lower ac won't matter as much.

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