So I got my monk up to lvl15 and in general I don't use Kamas unless I have to. First of all, am I correct in the assumption that every handwrap hit does 2d6? versus 1d6 for kamas and you get more attacks per second with handwraps making the comparison even more favoring handwraps? Is the only reason to go with a Kamas is for either, vorpal, wounding, or puncturing?
And as a follow on to that, what do you do for prey on the hunter where hitpoint damage is almost pointless and most people go with wounders, are we monks pretty much forced to go with Kamas in that quest?
and finally, what about maladroit/bonebreaking? seems like that could make handwraps useful in Prey since the giants can't have that much dex, probably around 14 or so? does anyone take advantage of dex stat damage to get to that autocrit when dex is zero. Most things are dead before that becomes much use, but since the giants in prey have so many hitpoints?