Feeling a little lonely ? want to impress your party with how many tell you get? guess what you can send tells to yourself! ( dont ask me how i found this out)
Feeling a little lonely ? want to impress your party with how many tell you get? guess what you can send tells to yourself! ( dont ask me how i found this out)
Grawwl (Father of the Bennette Family Warriors) - now with FP of the defender and Bloodstone!) || Graaol || Graaul || Graaveen - the Healing Uncle
---"You have no characters" <-- LIES!!!
Paxx - 15 Cleric / 2 monk / 1 Pal, Armadal - 14 Barb / 2 Ftr, Charz - 16 Sorc, Blitzquake - 12 Sorc / 6 Rang / 2 Mnk, Slaash - 8 Ftr / 6 Rog / 2 Pal,
Rumblequake - 15 Sor / 2 Mnk / 3 Pal, Anax - 12 Rgr / 2 Ftr / 2 Monk
Khyber Server
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 03-10-2009 at 02:03 PM.
In either circumstance you still cant be friends with yourself so...
going to a party half cocked will get u couch girl every time