Your nice, but i don't need one yet, i haven't even rolled anything other then a cleric.
Your nice, but i don't need one yet, i haven't even rolled anything other then a cleric.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
LoL really no need, i was just enjoying the game "the just give it to me" was in jest!
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
Khyber Server -- New Aundair
sorry wrong server .. please disregard previous post
Khyber Server -- New Aundair
The Abbot
Gotbeef, Amielle, Bandaidd, Chilli (32 pt)
The Mascot of <I Do Haste Potions>, Professional Johnson Stepper
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Argonnessen Server Officer of ChaosKnightsArdrak (Human sorcerer) ~ Aryanaa (Human cleric) ~ Arynias (Human Sorcerer) ~ Arylia (Elven ranger) ~ Arylias (Human Favored Soul)