Hey i'm looking for Large scales and 2 bloodstonesthis is some of the stuff i currently have, will update later when i have more time and check all my characters.
Let me know blah blah blah.
+6 Con ring of Lesser False Life x2 (1 with 3 points of damage)
+6 Con ring of Doom (3 points of Damage)
Health (+1) ring of Greater False Life
Proof Against Poison ring of Greater False Life
+2 GT Shortsword of Disruption
+2 Cursespewing Shortsword of Puncturing
+2 Bodyfeeder Shortsword of Puncturing x2
+1 Cursespewing Rapier of Enfeebling
+1 Weakening rapier of Puncturing
+2 Keen rapier of Puncturing
+1 Paralyzing rapier of Shattermantle
+3 Banishing Rapier
+1 Vorpal Greataxe of Enfeebling
+2 Transmuting Greataxe of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
Maelstrom ML:2 (Anarchic and Frost Greataxe)
+3 Crippling Kopesh of Greater Construct Bane
Inferno Bracers (2 points of damage)
Electric Haze (Don't remember if it got damage)
2 Blue Scales
20 Resurrection cakes
100 Major Mnemonic Enhancer
+2 Dex tome
+2 Str tome
+2 Int tome
1 Date with Mhykke (Minimum of 1 Large scale)